Club News: November 2020

Hollymount – Gianna Joella, Reporter
We began our October meeting with a discussion about old and new business. Our old business topics included the Achievement Banquet. With a quick recap for those who were not able to attend the ceremony, we learned that many Hollymount members were given awards! Congratulations to everybody on their achievements- I know they were well deserved! We also went over new business, like the always highly-anticipated pumpkin contest, the food drive, leadership weekend, and the upcoming national summits. Once the business portion of our meeting concluded, awards were announced for those who could not make it to the award ceremony. It is no secret that Hollymount has very talented members, and the awards presented at our meeting proved it! This was a very interesting meeting in terms of the exciting events coming our way, and it felt great to give our amazing members recognition for their hard work.

Lord Baltimore – Ruby DiSabatino, Reporter
On Sunday October 11th, 2020, we had our first club meeting via zoom. We even had a member zoom from the car in the parking lot of his brother’s soccer game! Go Wyatt! Ms. Kathy showed us how to navigate the registration site, as well as the newsletter site. While on the newsletter site, she showed us the canned food drive, the virtual pumpkin contest, and reminded us to fill out our diamond clover intent form. Next, we chose officers: President-Ruby DiSabatino; recording secretary(s)-Cassidy White, Jacklynn Gross, and Ruby DiSabatino; 4thH for Health leader will be a different person each month. Ms. Kathy told us she would share ideas, and websites with ideas for the activities to the person running it. Next month, our leader will be Wyatt Herring (a clover bud). Then, Ms. Kathy took us to the BOKS KIDS site for a short video clip demonstrating our physical activity-Discover the Ocean. Then we performed the activity. We had lots of fun! We also showed all the items we collected from a scavenger hunt we did before the meeting: something crunchy, something noisy, something sticky, something stinky, and your favorite snack. Lastly Ms. Kathy talked about community service opportunities. Our club is joining with the Cypress Hearts and Hands club for our monthly Meals on Wheels tray favors. She also told us about the canned food drive, and Stockings for Soldiers community service opportunities. Even with the covid-19 outbreak, we found can still have fun in 4-H. Our next meeting will be Sunday, November 8th, after the leadership weekend.

Sussex 4-H Jr. Council – Carter Bradley, Reporter
    On October 5th, 2020, the Sussex County Junior Council virtual meeting was called to order. This was the first meeting with the new officers for the 2020-2021 4-H year. There were no secretary or treasurer’s reports due to the officer transition and the lack of activities caused by COVID-19. The council then went on to discuss old business of the county. These events were the virtual achievement banquet, Online registration for the 4-H year, Coastal Cleanup, State Archery Shoot, Lawn Tractor Driving Competition, and the Virtual Links Leadership Event. We had participants of these events give their thoughts on the outcomes of these events, most of which were very positive.

After this, the council moved on to New Business. Some of the new Business included National 4-H week, which occurred from October 4th to October 10th. It encouraged 4-Hers across the country to show their support to the organization by wearing 4-H attire, posting about it on social media, and through the yard sign contest. The window display was planned to go alongside these events, but had to be moved, and will likely be bundled with the paper clover project. Another piece of New Business was the Virtual Pumpkin Contest. This is a county wide event where 4-Hers can paint a pumpkin and submit it to have a chance at winning a prize. Other events include the World Food Day Activities, creating a poster, and a canned food drive, the Stem Challenge Event, and their theme, Mission to Mars. Lastly, Mini Grant Requests can now be submitted. If a leader or club has a need that they feel will have a positive impact on the county, but don’t have the funds to do so, then they may ask for a Mini Grant to achieve the funds needed. The members were then asked about and club updates or new activities before the meeting was adjourned.

Seaford Blue Jays – Caydance Means, Reporter
September Meeting 9/9/20
For our September meeting, we held it on zoom due to Covid -19. While we were waiting to begin the meeting we had a little catch-up session. We talked about what we have been doing and what was going on before we started. We did not have anyone do the pledges.  When we began we discussed the registering for the Achievement banquet, re-enrolling by October 1st and the virtual pumpkin contest. We talked about Leadership camp and we decided that we would meet on the 2nd Wednesday each month. We talked about Meals for Wheels and inviting new members. The treasurer’s report was $686.07. The next meeting is to be held on October 14, 2020, hosted by the Carson’s.

October Meeting 10/14/2020

To start the meeting we all led the pledges. Seth did roll-call and the Treasurer’s report, then Embrey gave the Secretary’s report. We did a health activity led by Janet and Ivy. It was a freeze-dance Dance Party. Music was played and if we were still dancing when it stopped we were out. We went over New Business and Old Business before doing our club activity. Carson led us in the activity. We made bird feeders out of toilet paper rolls, peanut butter, and bird seed. We had to cover the toilet paper rolls in peanut butter using a knife, then rolling it around so the bird seed covers it. Once we finished washing the peanut butter off of our hands, Embrey made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Caydance, second it. The next meeting was to is to be held on November 11 at the Genshaw’s.

Dublin Hill – Logan Jackson, Reporter
Our meeting was held on October 8th.  We talked about past events such as the Achievement Event and National 4-H Week.  Three of our members, Brad, Aydin and Logan participated in the Yard Sign Contest!  Thank you to the member families who signed up on different days to clean up our road for Adopt a Highway!

During the meeting, our officers were chosen.  They are as follows:  President, Devon Allen, Vice President, Kylie Pusey, Secretary, Amelia Jackson, Treasurer, Brad Tomeski, Reporter, Logan Jackson and Healthy Living Chairmen, Travis and Blake Allen.  Congratulations everyone!  We also discussed the Virtual Pumpkin Contest, Ainsley West’s Diamond Clover Project making cards for soldiers, and collecting cans for World Food Day.  We are also planning project groups for the year for projects like Community Service, Arts and Crafts and Woodworking.  Our next meeting will be held on November 12.  See you then!