Dear 4-H Families,
Welcome to a new 4-H Year! There are lots of exciting activities and events to look forward to. Some events in September will complete delayed Fair contests while others will start up the new 4-H Year! Judging Contests, State Archery Contest and the Lawn Tractor Driving Contest will be held safely in-person during September. Good luck to all participants! Other events to look forward to in September include Beach Cleanup, a Dance Challenge, our annual Achievement Event and designing yard signs to promote 4-H. We are excited to see our current members again and meet new members, leaders and families!
Although the past 6 months have been unusual for a variety of reasons, our 4-H families have persevered, and we are proud of all the ways our members continued to learn as well as help their community! Delaware 4-H keeps the safety of our members first. We are currently looking for ways to be able to safely provide more in-person events. Stay tuned!
Thank you to the clubs who submit a club reports each month, please keep them coming! Be sure to submit your club news to Tammy or myself by the 25th of each month. Include a fun activity, projects completed, and photos of your club in actions. We love to see and share what each club is doing!
During this busy time and throughout the year, please remember to check your email and the online newsletter regularly for news and updates. Be sure to sign up for events (county and statewide) by the posted deadlines. Thanks for your help!
Please feel free to email or call me if you have any new ideas, suggestions, or concerns about Sussex 4-H programming. I am always here for my 4-H families and I love hearing new ideas for our members and clubs!
Yours in 4-H,
Jill Jackson
Extension Educator, 4-H