Music Education Matters Summit 2020

The Music Education Matters Summit will take place on July 14-16, 2020

The Georgia 4-H Music Education Matters Summit provides an experience for youth across Georgia, and around the nation, to practice and grow in music education, network and learn from industry professionals, and develop as a leader, team member, and performer. In Georgia 4-H, we believe in the power of young people.

Youth 6th-12th grade in the 2019 – 2020 school term are eligible to attend and will select one of five tracks to tailor their summit experience:

  1. Dance
  2. Instrumental
  3. Songwriting
  4. Vocal
  5. Musical Theatre

Each track will engage multiple instructors with different areas of expertise to help participants become better performers and to teach them about the opportunities that exist for careers in their area. Additional classes will be offered that highlighted successful collaborations among artists and music technology. Tracks are designed to focus not only on skills development, but mentorship and career exploration with industry professionals. Through a combination of workshops, presentations and informal networking time youth are able to ask questions related to their own development as a musician and their own career aspirations. In addition, youth will have the opportunity to work one on one with mentors who provide guidance on becoming a better performer, as well as discuss career opportunities in the music industry.

The Delaware 4-H Foundation is providing funds for two members to attend this summit!  Please see the Music Matters Summit Registration Form for Delaware youth and return to Kaitlin Klair by April 24, 2020.