Club News: March 2020

Hollymount – Gianna Joella, Reporter
As usual, our February meeting began with singing and dancing. Once that session concluded, we began our business meeting! We discussed all of the upcoming events, like the quickly-approaching Spaghetti Dinner and Legislative Day. When our meeting concluded, Declan West gave us an informative talk about the differences between the Gray Squirrel and the Delmarva Fox Squirrel. Our photographs from our last meeting were put to good use- we properly matted them in preparation for the State Fair, which was very helpful to those entering for the first time or those that need a small reminder. We were also trained for the upcoming Favorite Foods Contest! This was definitely a fun and informative meeting!

Sussex County Junior Council Report – Brynn Hovatter, Reporter
With winter quickly catching up on us all, that’s not stopped Sussex County 4H members. January and February have brought many events within Junior Council, and one being reuniting with members throughout the state at State Teen Conference in Newark. Sussex County’s annual Spaghetti Dinner has come upon us again, which is the largest fundraiser for Sussex County 4H of the year. Dozens of teenagers have been willing to help during this large event at Crossroads Community Church. Annual Favorite Foods and Judging Contests are also taking place at Sussex Tech following the Saturday after Spaghetti Dinner, February 29th. Various leadership opportunities have been made available for future camps; moreover, including the camp counselors applications and interviews.

Lucky Leaf – Meredith Timmons, Reporter
The February meeting of the Lucky Leaf 4-H club was held on February 6th.  There were 12 members that attended the meeting.  The 4-H pledge was led by Lilly and Pledge of Allegiance was led by Ashley.  Some things that were mentioned in the meeting were the Spaghetti dinner, and the public speaking contest.  I shared my experience with the Lancaster Archery Classic with the club.  Also, Carson did his cooking demonstration on how to make ice cream in a bag.  We had Ms. Sherrie come and talk with us about our heart rate for our healthy club challenge.  Refreshments were provided by the Timmons family.

Lord Baltimore Helping Hands – Cassidy White, Reporter
Our February meeting occurred on February 9, 2020. We began with the pledges and then went over previous and upcoming events. Also, we talked about how February is our month for Operation Christmas Child. We then went on to do our activity of the meeting by having an indoor snowball fight where we had wax paper taped to our shoes to skate and softballs to throw at each other. Afterward, we did our community project for the meeting. This was making owls with rolled up wallpaper, regular paper, and foam hearts to give to the meals on wheels clients. Then we made lays for our meetings craft. This was by taking two pieces of ribbon and continuously looping them through each other.

Horse Bowl Teams Update – Eddie Noon
On February 20, 2020, 4-H members from multiple clubs joined to have a practice night for the upcoming 4-H Horse Bowl. Jodie Gravenor and the East Coast Horse Club were the host of this amazing event. While there, groups were split into their respective age groups; Beginner, Intermediate, and Senior. These groups were able to play Jeopardy, use the buzzers, test themselves with a crossword puzzle, identify tack, and label the parts of a horse. Everybody who participated in the event had a great time and might have learned something new.

A group photo of the participants at the practice event!