Club News: May 2019

Hollymount – Gia Joella, Reporter
To begin our meeting, we had another yoga session, which is something our members always seem to enjoy! Lasting for about a half-hour, members perform a wide variety of yoga poses that range in difficulty. I appreciate the way the poses can be tailored to each member; they have the option to make them as challenging or leisurely as they would like. The session is ended with a relaxing moment where we take a moment to breathe; I always enjoy that moment! We then began our business meeting, where we discussed our recent contests, like the Demonstration Contest. As I have said many times, Hollymount has some highly talented members, proven by the fact that many of them will be competing in the State Competition! I wish them all luck. We also discussed upcoming business, like Younger Member Weekend and the Link Spring Fair. Once it had concluded, we all gathered to have our healthy snack. This was a highly enjoyable meeting, as we always love yoga sessions!

Harbor Lights – Kate Cunningham, Reporter
The Harbor Lights 4-H club last met on April 8, 2019. Throughout the meeting, we discussed a few events coming up that some of the club might be participating in. Some of these events being the State Fair, the Clothing and Textile Showcase, and Delaware Legislative Day. We are all excited to attend some of the events that 4-H offers and get the opportunity to learn more and have fun together as a club in the community. To conclude the meeting, we made final preparations for the Parents Night Out fundraiser our club will be hosting. Our next meeting was set for May 13, 2019. The meeting was adjourned and everyone who had not participated in the Public Speaking contest and the Demonstration contest performed their speech or demonstration for the club. After this, all club members slit up into two separate classes. One taught sewing, and the other class taught us 3D printing using an actual 3D printer. After our individual classes, we enjoyed a snack together. We are very excited to be a part of the upcoming events and many other things 4-H has in store for the club.

Seaford Blue Jays – Ivy Genshaw, Reporter
For the Seaford Blue Jays April meeting, we talked about what our favorite Easter candy was. We discussed old business and Favorite Foods. All of our members that attended Favorite Foods either received a blue ribbon or trophy. Soon we are going to have a recycled shoes fundraiser. Our club has also discussed doing a craft day to get ready for fair entries. At the end of our meeting, Embrey Means brought a guest who taught us how to do origami. We made a duck. We finished it off with a healthy snack.

Lucky Leaf – Ashley Romanowski, Reporter
Hi again! The last 4-H meeting we had was at HALO on April 4, 2019. We made 51 peanut butter jelly sandwiches for lunches. We also got a huge tour of the facility. We learned about how the area worked and the special programs they have for the homeless children and adults. This was all for Carson’s Diamond Clover project. We did not have a regular business meeting or snack. Our next meeting will be May 2, 2019.

Bridgeville Mustangs- Paige Taylor, Reporter
Hello everyone! Before we began our April 11 meeting, our Exploring 4-H members met to create an awesome Easter craft! Lillie Bradley, Reid Bradley, Alayna Teagle, Sean Roles, Cameron Hale, and Mason Kinnel all made Cotton Bunnies. Their bunnies consisted of cotton, wash clothes, string, googly eyes, and rubber bands. When the meeting began, we all went outside where Junior Leaders had set up stations. Each station incorporated at least one sport such as lacrosse, soccer, and field hockey. The Junior Leaders were paired up with younger 4-H members to run through the stations. Moving on to our traditional 4-H’ers, we congratulate Nathanial and Neva Nowell, as they competed against other Delaware archers in the State Archery Shoot and did really well! Erin Carey and a few other Junior Leaders attended Jr. Leader Weekend and had a great time. Finally, Brooke Taylor, Annika Teagle, Mallary Cummings, Makayla Golf, Taylor Young, Cole Carpenter, Josiah Nowell, Sean Roles, Mason Kinnel, and Alayna Teagle all had a wonderful time at our clubs very own Magical Mustang Craft Day! The members rotated through eight different craft stations making a total of nine crafts that are able to be entered in the Delaware State Fair. After the meeting, everyone enjoyed a snack. I think everyone had a great time at our April 11 Bridgeville Mustangs meeting!

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