Club News: December 2018

Lucky Leaf Clovers – Ashley Romanowski, Reporter
Our meeting was held on November 1, 2018.  This month, we elected new officers. Each candidate gave a campaign speech. No voting took place because only one member was running for each office. Here is a list of our officers for 2018-2019:

President- MacKenzie Lewis
Vice President- Carson Pusey
Secretary- Elise Garde
Treasurer- Murphy McCarroll
Reporter- Ashley Romanowski

After elections, we had our business meeting and we congratulated Murphy and MacKenzie for their blue ribbon at the Pumpkin contest. Meredith, Elise, Ashley and Miss Chelsea enjoyed the Young member fall retreat.

Next, each member shared an activity they would like to do this year such as walk dogs at the Humane Society, ropes course, food bank, and more. In addition, we discussed upcoming events such as the Delmar Christmas parade, Salvation army bell ringing dates and the Lucky Leaf 4H Christmas workshop.

We were told project books were ordered and would be distributed at the next meeting. Also, we are to sign up for a date to give our demonstration speeches and to bring in snack.

Lastly, we had snack from MacKenzie and wished her a Happy Birthday.

Hollymount – Gia Joella, Reporter
To kick off our November meeting, we played a game of Ships and Sailors and taught our new members a few songs they would need to know for camp. By the end of our session, everybody seemed to know every word! We then began our business meeting, where we talked about the pumpkin contest winners (there were a ton!) and upcoming events, like the Card Party for Heroes (my personal favorite) and the International Dinner and Talent Show. Speaking of Talent Show, it was then time to rehearse our skit. Judging by the laugher coming from the members that were rehearsing, I can tell it will be a great one this year! While they did that, I, along with a few other members that were not able to attend the Talent Show, made our special snack for the meeting: Little hats made out of peanut butter cups and cookies. We had a really fun time piping the icing onto the cookie. I cannot wait to try that recipe at home! Once we finished, we were given information about the Diamond Clover and different types of project books. There were so many types of project books; I didn’t even know most of them existed! The members rehearsing the skit then came to join us as we ate our healthy snack: fruit kabobs! This was definitely an active and informative meeting!

Lord Baltimore Helping Hands – Cassidy White, Reporter
Our November meeting took place on November 11, 2018. It began with the regular routine of the pledges and attendance. Within the meeting we participated in the forth H by drinking water. We then went through the upcoming events like the International dinner, the club’s Christmas potluck dinner, and other events.

Next, we went outside to do the forth H challenge and though around a ball with charades an it. If you caught the ball when the music stopped, you would have to do the charade that you thumb landed on. Then we went inside to do the craft for the meeting. The craft we made this meeting was for the meals on wheels clients. It was a card with a design of a turkey on it. Next month’s craft will be decorating ornaments and then a Christmas tree for Hospice.








Harbor Lights – Kate Cunningham, Reporter
The Harbor Lights 4H club met on November 12, 2018. We discussed the International Dinner and Talent show and planned a skit to perform there. We all loved being able to try new dishes from around the world and performing our skit. We also discussed Cards for Heroes and planned for the club to go. Several of the club members went. After the meeting, we drew names for our annual club Christmas gift exchange and celebrated our club president’s birthday. We are so excited to continue a great year of 4-H!

Cypress Heart and Hands Reporters Report – Jaxon Wilkerson, Reporter
Hello, I am Jaxson Wilkerson, co-reporter for Cypress Heart and Hands. Hope everyone had a great thanksgiving. On the 13th of November we started our monthly club meeting by discussing old business. We talked about the pumpkin contest and the fall overnighter. I got to go to both activities with some of my other club members. We all had a lot of fun. It was cool seeing all the different pumpkins. They also had a haunted trail which was good. We all had a blast at the fall overnighter too, where we did all kinds of cool things. We made picture frames and crafts. We also made a safety list for Halloween. Next, we talked about new business. We talked about the card party for hero’s and the international dinner, we have several members that are going to each.  We also talked about the Christmas parades and the float we are making. Our club is going to be in about 5 parades, it is going to be so much fun.  One of the last things we talked about was our Christmas party and our secret Santa exchange which is always fun.  After our meeting was over we did a physical activity with dice which was led by Makenna and then Brooklyn taught us a cool craft to make. We used pipe cleaners and beads and when we were done it looked like an ear of corn. They all turned out great.  After we were all done all our activities we all enjoyed a healthy snack of fresh fruits.  This time of year, is always my favorite because we are so busy doing cool things.










Lower Delaware Archers – Riley Osborne, Reporter
Hi!! This is my first report as the new reporter of the 4-H Lower Delaware Archers. To start off our president Madison Rice going over upcoming events such as the fundraiser “good
Samaritan” which will be held on the 21st there will also be a Lancaster Archery Classic in Lancaster PA held January 25th through the 27th, which we have a few families in the club attending both. This was sadly our last outdoor shoot until the sun heats up the earth once again and we are no longer bundled up in a ball clothes. We will not be shooting forthe next two weeks due to the holiday and other matters. But we will hopefully soon be getting an indoor facility for us to shoot in. At the next meeting we will be talking more about the idea of having a spring competition between Sussex County and hopefully a few other groups.Since it is close to Thanksgiving we did our first ever annual turkeyshoot!!! Some made it competitive and others did it for fun but we all had a great time!






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