Club News: October 2018

Hollymount – Gianna Joella, Reporter
This month, we had our first meeting of the new year! First, we continued our tradition of singing and dancing and taught our newer members the words to our songs. We even played a few games. Next, we moved on to our business meeting and discussed new and old business, such as the clubs offered by 4-H and the state fair winners.

Speaking of awards, we then discussed the many awards won by Hollymount members at the state fair! There were so many–we obviously have some very talented members! Once our business meeting concluded, we introduced ourselves and talked about our favorite 4-H events. I can see the pumpkin contest is favored by many members!

After getting to know each other, we played a few games. We played graveyard, where we had to stay as still as we could to win; and ships and sailors, where a command was called out (ships! sailors! hit the deck!) and we had to follow it. It was extremely intense!

To conclude our meeting, we had a healthy snack. It was a very active and informative meeting!

Clover Knights – Abigail Frost
Welcome back everyone! The Clover Knights have undergone some changes and now have a new club leader, Kim Elliott.  Mr. Bo & Miss Noel are still members of the club and will still be around to help out.  Our September meeting was a busy one!  We welcomed our new club officers, as well as 6 new 4H members.  New club officers are President -Rebecca Lenhart; Vice President-Emma Sparpaglione; Treasurer-Kate Rohlfing; Secretary-Wyatt Warner; Club Reporter-Abby Frost; Song Leaders – Ashlyn Elliott, Brooke Elliott, Jillian Warner; Activity Coordinator-Autumn Lenhart.  Congratulations to our new officers.  And welcome to our new members – Dale Edwards, Maren Edwards, Ella Locklear, Emma Locklear, Brystal Mears, and Beau Mears.

The window display committee shared their idea for this year’s window display which will be displayed at Baker’s Hardware in Millsboro during National 4H Week.  We also discussed two upcoming community service projects we are doing, Coastal Cleanup on Saturday, Sept 22 and Adopt-A-Highway on Saturday, Sept 29.  Mr. Eddie shared about Lower DE Archers, the Robotics Club, and the upcoming Coding Your World event.  Our club officers shared other 4H news and events and encouraged members 13 years old and older to get involved with Junior Council.  We started working on t-shirt design entries for the t-shirt design contest.

Cypress Heart & Hands – Jaxon Wilkerson, Reporter
Our club meeting started at 6:30. The treasurer’s report was read. We than talked about old business. Jace and Brooklyn told us about all the fun they had at state camp. I can’t wait till this year, so I can get to go. We also talked about the state fair and stuff we did and entered there. Our club had a end of the year pool party. It was so awesome. I think everyone had a great time, I know I did. My favorite part was the water slide. After all the old business was gone over we talked about new business. And there sure was a lot. Our club was excited about all the activities there are to do. I know we have a lot of member excited about the Wild Clovers and Lower Delaware Archer clubs. I think everyone is going to be very busy. After new business our club elected our new officers. We ran out of time and didn’t get to make our craft. But we did get to eat a yummy snack. It was called a Banana Split. It’s fruit on a stick with a little bit of chocolate on it, it was soo good.  Our club meeting ended at 7:41pm.

Harbor Lights – Kate Cunningham, Reporter
The Harbor Lights 4-H club met on September 17, 2018. We had a great meeting. We were able to plan for several upcoming events such as coastal cleanup, the window display, and the pumpkin contest. All of the club wore their 4-H t-shirts and we took pictures. The pictures were used in preparation for our club’s window display. We are looking forward to our next meeting where we will be making a photo booth for the pumpkin contest and also decorating our pumpkins together. We each received a project book at the meeting. Some of them included cooking, exploring 4H, leadership, and vet science. We are so excited for this year of 4-H.







Lord Baltimore Helping Hands – Cassidy White, Reporter
Our meeting was on Monday, September 17. We were happy to welcome two new Cloverbuds to our club. We then said both pledges to begin the meeting. Next, we our voted for a new president, secretary, recording secretary, and reporting secretary. We then talked about the awards ceremony. Also, when to meet to place the window display. Afterwards we went through the upcoming events.

Then, we spoke about Environmental Camp and the State Fair. We began to build our craft for the meeting. This time we built duct tape pencil cases. Last, we all choose our booklets for this year. This is how Lord Baltimore helping hands spent our monthly meeting.








Bridgeville Mustangs – Paige Taylor, Reporter
Hello everyone. I am pleased to be the new Bridgeville Mustang co-Reporter and this is my first report!  To begin our September meeting, our club offered members a Project Group Open House. Our project group leaders came out early to set up their tables to talk about what they’re group does. Also, Jr. Leaders helped the younger members tie die their official Bridgeville Mustangs tee-shirts.  Our meeting was called to order by the newly selected co-president, Wesley DeFord. He announced that our very own Austin Jewell was the Kiwanis Chicken top selling fund raiser ticket seller! As a club, we turned in 45 project records and 34 Delaware records. Paige Taylor, Annika Teagle, Rachel Carey, Kyle Kerr, Carter Bradley, and Wesley DeFord all stood up to report on our first ever Bridgeville Mustangs Staff Training. The Window Display has decided on the theme “Rock Climbing” for our 2018-2019 Windows Display. As a club, we donated an “Outdoor Adventure” Basket to the Sussex County quarter auction to help raise money for the Exchange Trip to Montana. Kyle Kerr went to his first Jr. Council meeting. This year, we decided to donate $400 to Union United Methodist Church in Bridgeville as a “thank you”, as they allow us to use their facility for our meetings at no charge. Instead of meeting on the night of our normal meeting, Exploring 4-H met on September 16 at the church. They learned about the history of 4-H and what it has to offer. I think everyone had a great time at our September meeting!



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