Legislative Day 2018

On April 25, 2018 ninety-five Delaware 4-H youth and adults participated in the 14th annual Delaware    4-H Legislative Day.  4-H’ers began their day at Legislative Hall in Dover and where they split into three groups.  Two groups stayed in Legislative Hall getting to learn the history of the building and discussing the Legislative process with Representative Trey Paradee and Senator Ernie Lopez.  The groups then were able to either visit the Old State House and learn how a bill becomes a law or have a tour of the houses on the “green” in Dover.  The third group was able to visit the Courthouse where they learned the Judicial process.  After lunch, one group returned to Legislative Hall for a tour while another group visited and toured the Public Archives.

A highlight of the day was when members were able to participate in a mock voting session and cast their vote for:  Where students are bullied the most (School was the winner with social media a close second), Do you stand up for those being bullied (the majority of members said yes!), Which project areas to members enjoy most (all of them! Science, Healthy Living and Leadership/Citizenship), What is your favorite H (Heart!) and What lifeskills has 4-H helped you develop (all of them! Public speaking, leadership, volunteerism).

The groups came back together in the afternoon for a 4-H Rally inside Legislative Hall.  We were pleased to have the following legislators in attendance:  Governor John Carney, Lt. Governor, Bethany Hall-Long, Rep. Dave Wilson, Rep. Steve Smyk, Senator Gary Simpson, Senator Brian Pettyjohn, Rep. Tim Dukes, Rep. Harvey Kenton, Rep. Ruth Briggs-King, Rep. Danny Short and Rep. Ronnie Gray, Rep. Bobby Outten, Rep. Mike Ramone, Sen. Dave Lawson, Rep. Rich Collins, Rep. Charlie Postles and Sen. Gerald Hocker.

State 4-H Teen Council Officers in attendance were:  Andrew Shaffer, Shawn Mitchell, Hannah O’Hara, Leslie Webb, Patrick Trunfio, Garrett Geidel and Jenna Anger.

The day ended with the members attending a session in the House Chambers.  We thank Rep. Lyndon Yearick for allowing State 4-H Teen Council President, Andrew Shaffer, to speak on the House floor.  Andrew addressed the Legislators giving them information about Delaware 4-H and thanking them for all of their support of our program.

Our members were great representatives of 4-H during this event; asking questions about the Legislative process, how to become a member of government, and much more!

View photos from this event on our Delaware 4-H Flickr page!

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