Assistant Camp Coordinator, Delaware 4-H State Camp

The Delaware 4-H program is in search of an assistant camp coordinator for the 2018 Delaware 4-H State Camp, held at Camp Barnes near Bethany Beach.
The assistant camp coordinator will work closely and as directed with the Camp Director (One Voice) and University of Delaware 4-H Cooperative Extension Agents and Specialists.

Responsibilities will include but are not limited to:
 Assisting with the coordination of daily classes and activities for 100 participants each week
 Purchasing of camp supplies during camp as needed
 Assisting with facilitation of camp counselor responsibilities
 Assisting with safety and overall management of 4-H camp with the use of best practices and procedures
 Overseeing the completion of Barnes Owl (recap of weekly events during camp)

Physical presence on the grounds for the duration of the two week camp will be expected of the accepted applicant. The dates of the 2018 Delaware 4-H State Camp are:
Sunday, June 10-Saturday, June 16: Week One
Sunday, June 17-Saturday, June 23: Week Two

While no prior experience in the Delaware 4-H camp program is required, it is highly desirable.
Requirements to apply: Must be 21 and older and have valid ID and reliable transportation.

In order to receive consideration for this position, a Letter of Interest and Assistant Camp Coordinator Application are to be emailed or sent by March 23rd to:
Ernie Lopez
4-H Volunteer Specialist
Carvel Research and Education Center
16483 County Seat Highway
Georgetown, DE 19947

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