** All 4-H Members must enroll with 4-H Online by March 1, 2018 to be eligible to participate in any summer statewide events such as State Camp and State Fair
Sussex 4-H Order of Links Meeting Dates
Monday, April 9 at 6:30 pm *Discussing Spring Fair
Delaware 4-H Foundation – Club/Group Financial Aid Form
The Delaware 4-H Foundation is a non-profit organization supporting the 4-H program. Financial Support Requests will be accepted twice a fiscal year. March 1 and October 1
The applications will be reviewed and awarded at the discretion of the Board of Directors. This form must be submitted electronically to de4h@udel.edu. Notification of the receipt of the request will be confirmed within 72 hours to the contact person named on the request. Once a decision has been made, the contact person will be notified of the Board’s decision.
Judging Training Packets for all county/state contests can be found at the following link: http://extension.udel.edu/4h/projects-activities-for-members/4-h-competitions/
Scholarship Opportunities
All forms and applications can be found on the Delaware 4-H website: http://extension.udel.edu/4h/academic-scholarships/
- George W. Scott, II State Camp Scholarship ~ Deadline 3/2/18 to Krista Wing
- Daisy 4-H Shooting Sports Scholarship~ Deadline 4/1/18
- Delaware 4-H Foundation Scholarship~ Deadline 5/1/18
Scholarship Announcement ~ Application (coming early 2018)
- Delaware Scholarship Compendium – A guide for college-bound students that includes scholarships listed by deadlines and alphabetically.
Weather Alert
With winter activities come winter weather and the possibility of cancellations. The following are ways we notify the public of weather-related cancellations and postponements:
- Notify WMDT and WBOC. We distinguish ourselves as Carvel Research and Education Center. UD announcements that do not mention Carvel, such as Del Tech Campus, do not include our facility.
- A message will be left on 302-856-7303
- A message will be posted on our main Carvel website
- Notice will be posted on the Delaware 4-H Facebook page.
Delaware 4-H Hall of Fame
In 2002, the National Association of Extension 4-H Agents, National 4-H Council and 4-H National Headquarters partnered to create the National 4-H Hall of Fame. The Hall of Fame was established to recognize 4-H volunteers, Extension professionals, staff employees, donors and others who made a significant impact on 4-H at the local, state or national level. In conjunction with the national event, Delaware 4-H also created the Delaware 4-H Hall of Fame. This event is sponsored by the Delaware 4-H Foundation.
The next class of laureates will be inducted on October 6, 2018. The event is planned to be held at the Modern Maturity Center in Dover, DE.
If you know of a special individual who has had a major impact on the 4-H Program in Delaware, you may nominate them for induction into the Delaware 4-H Hall of Fame in 2018. Nominations will be open through May 15th. The 2018 class will be selected in June 2018. The full nomination form and FAQ document are located on the State 4-H website at the link below.
2018 National Beekeeping Essay Contest
This year’s essay topic is “What’s So Super About the Super Organism in the Honey Bee?”
Entries should be submitted to the state 4-H office by February 14th. This information is also updated and found on our website here: http://extension.udel.edu/4h/state-4-h-events/
The contest is open to active 4-H Club members only. 4-H’ers who have previously placed first, second, or third at the National level are NOT eligible to re-enter; but other state winners may re-enter. There are cash prizes for the winning entries at the national level.