Agent Letter: February 2018

Dear 4-H Family,

February is full of important events:  Black History Month, American Heart Month, Super Bowl, Valentine’s Day and President’s Day.  It is important to remember and honor those who have had an impact on our Nation and to show our love and appreciation for others.

Sussex 4-H February events include:  State Leader’s Forum, Livestock 101 Workshop, Favorite Foods, Foods Judging, Photography and Graphic Arts Contests, and our 3rd Annual Spaghetti Dinner and Auction.  Special Meetings taking place will be Horse Bowl Training, Dairy Club, Robotics Club and Sussex 4-H Tech Club.

Kyle Morris, Hollymount 4-H Club, is one of seven 4-H members who will represent Delaware at the 2018 National Youth Summit on Healthy Living February 16-19.   This summit lets high school students develop the knowledge and skills to address today’s issues, including nutrition education, physical fitness, wellness, and emotional well-being.

Congratulations to the following teens who will be part of a delegation of eleven 4-H members  who will be representing Delaware  at the National 4-H Conference in Washington, DC in April:  Jenna Anger, Meredith Carey, Kyle Morris and Daniel Tull.

Congratulations to our Sussex Salute to Excellence Winners!  Jodie Gravenor, Cypress Heart & Hands 4-H Leader, received the Outstanding Lifetime Achievement Award.  Dana Probert, Sunset Branch 4-H Leader, received the Volunteer of the Year Award.  Hats off to these wonderful adult leaders!

Looking forward to seeing you at the next 4-H event!

Yours in 4-H,

Jill Jackson
Extension Educator, 4-H

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