4-H Grows: Connecting to 4-H Alumni

Do you know any Delaware 4-H Alumni?

As part of the 4-H Grows Marketing campaign, Delaware 4-H is very interested in connecting with and receiving contact information from any Delaware 4-H Alumni member.  An Alumni member can be any individual who was a youth or adult member of Delaware 4-H for at least one year.

A challenge has been issued to see which County Junior Council can get the most 4-H Alumni individuals to check in and provide their current contact information by December 1, 2017.  This can easily be accomplished by providing any 4-H Alumni an Alumni Card (provided to you by your county office) for them to complete and hand in OR by having them visit the ONLINE LINK to easily provide this information electronically.

The County Junior Council that has the most 4-H Alumni checked in by December 1st  will receive an incentive party.  Who will be the winning County Junior Council — New Castle? Kent? or Sussex?

Thank you for your assistance in helping us to connect to our Delaware 4-H Alumni.  Please contact your County Office with any questions you may have related to this project.


Connecting to DE 4-H Alumni

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