2017 4-H Legislative Day Recap

On April 26, 2017 over eighty Delaware 4-H youth and adults participated in the 13th annual Delaware 4-H Legislative Day.  4-H’ers began their day at Legislative Hall in Dover and were then split into three groups.  One group stayed in Legislative Hall getting to learn about the history of the building and discussing the Legislative process with Representative Lyndon Yearick and Senator Ernie Lopez.  They also learned about how a bill becomes a law.  Another group was able to visit the Courthouse where they learned about the Judicial process.  Two groups also visit the Delaware Department of Education where they learned about the process of applying for college and other important tasks as students.  Members were also able to visit the Delaware State Education Association.

A highlight of the day was when members were able to participate in a mock voting session and cast their vote for:  Their favorite 4-H Event (DE State Fair was the winner!), the projects members enjoy the most (all of them!), when school should start (after Labor Day) and they voted YES the penalty for texting and driving should be stronger than a $100 fine.

The groups came back together in the afternoon with a 4-H Rally outside of Legislative Hall.  We were pleased to have the following legislators in attendance:  Lt. Governor, Bethany Hall-Long, Attorney General Matt Denn, Rep. Lyndon Yearick, Rep. Tim Dukes, Rep. Harvey Kenton and Rep. Ronnie Gray.
State 4-H Teen Council Officers in attendance were:  Lena Berry, Spring Vasey, Jenna Anger, Hannah O’Hara and Patrick Trunfio.

The day ended with the members attending a session in the House Chambers.  State 4-H Teen Council President, Lena Berry, addressed the Legislators giving them information about Delaware 4-H and thanking them for all of their support of our program.

Our members were great representatives of 4-H during this event; asking questions about the Legislative process, how to become a member of government, and much more!  To view photos from this event, please go to the Delaware 4-H Flickr page!

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