Club News: February 2017

Harbor Lights – Elise Goehringer, Reporter
On January 232017 the Harbor lights 4-H club was at it once again to make a fresh start in the new year. We met with great excitement and had a wonderfully productive meeting. Our club shared each members individual success in the public speaking contest and we are so happy to announce that our very own Kate Cunningham will be going to the state fair with her beautifully written speech. Other topics discussed during the meeting included leaders meetings, nesting box community service projects, favorite foods, graphic arts, photography and computer skills programs. We then determined which members would be participating in which 4-H events and who would be presenting demonstrations at the next meeting.

After the meeting was adjured our lovely leader led us in discussing our new undertaking. The Harbor lights 4-H club, being theater based, has selected a committee from our club to write a children’s play including real actors and puppets working alongside each other. Once written our whole club will take this play to children’s libraries and day care’s to preform it for young ones. We are terribly excited for this new adventure and cannot wait until it is up and running.

After some fellowship the club sat down to listen to three blue ribbon winning speeches preformed by Destiny Carmona, Diamond Carmona and Ben Ockels. We are immensely proud of all our members who participated in 4-H events in 2016.

The Harbor Lights 4-H club will meet again on February 13 to practice dishes for favorite foods, preform demonstrations, work on our spring play and enjoy another night together!

Hollymount – Gianna Joella, Reporter
This January meeting was all about food! After we finished talking about business, we prepared for the Favorite Foods contest with Mrs. West, who told us what to expect with the contest.  She also showed us how to set our places properly and prepare a menu. It was great to learn about all of this! The Cloverbuds learned how to set a table the right way.  Mrs. Anderson taught us about MyPlate, how to check our pulses, how to read food labels and cost per serving, how to identify kitchen tools and how to keep ourselves healthy. We can’t forget that half of our plate should be vegetables! All of this was to prepare for the Foods Judging contest. At the end of the meeting, we wrote two songs about weights and measurements to help us remember some of the most common ones.  When we were done writing them, we performed our songs for the group. It was a very eventful and informative meeting!

Bridgeville Mustangs – Mallary Cummings, Reporter
On January 19, 2017 the Bridgeville Mustangs meeting was brought together by Mrs.Susan Deford. Most of our officers and leaders were absent because they were attending Citizenship Washington Focus Inauguration trip. CJ Carroll,Wesley Deford and I ran the meeting. CJ gave the secretary’s report and the treasurers report. Wesley reviwed old business and I went over upcoming new business.  Cole Carpenter gave a safety report. Mrs. Deford spoke about the spaghetti dinner and how tickets are being sold.  We came up with ideas for the basket auction. We chose to make 2 baskets.  The meeting was adjourned and refreshments provided by Jace Goff and Holly Callaway were served.

Clover Knights – Ashlyn Elliott, Reporter
The Clover Knights collected over $100 for the Severe County, Tennessee 4H families affected by wildfires. Special thanks to the Warner, Weldon, and Lenhart families for their contributions. For our next service project we will be collecting chapstick, trial size deodorant, shampoo, and soap as well as hats, gloves, and scarves for the Code Purple Shelter. Favorite food entries are due January 30th. The event is on February 18th at Sussex Tech. The spaghetti dinner fundraiser will be on Saturday Feb 25th at 5pm. Please start selling tickets! The tickets are available at the county extension office. Each club must donate a basket for the auction. We will be collecting $1 from each member at the next club meeting which will be on Feb 14th. At our monthly meeting we talked about birds in winter. We learned some interesting facts about how birds survive and what they can and should not eat. Then we made our own bird food by combining vegetable shortening, oats, corn meal, and bird seed. Once frozen this could be hung on a tree or put in a suet feeder.  A very special thank you to Autumn Lenhart for taking the meeting notes for me during my absence.  Our next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 14 at 6pm.

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