eXtension Free Poultry Medications Webinar– Rule Changes Affecting Small and Backyard Poultry Flocks- Monday December 12, 2016 11:00 am EST
Concerns over the development of antibiotic resistance in human medicine have led to the development of new regulations controlling the use of antibiotics in animal feed. Veterinary Feed Directive (VFD) drugs are medically important antibiotics whose use is regulated. New guidelines for these drugs become effective in January 1, 2017. Some of these drugs have been used in poultry medicine.
How will these changes affect small-scale poultry producers? After the end of 2016 a veterinarian prescription will be required to get medicated feed as well as purchase what were over the counter drugs. Over the counter drugs now available online or in feed stores will no longer be available without a VFD. The VFD must be issued by a licensed veterinarian and there must be a veterinarian-client relationship. Small scale poultry producers need to develop a relationship with a veterinarian so if their birds get sick they can obtain the needed drugs. https://extension.zoom.us/j/142597111
Delaware Equine Council Scholarship- $1000
- Must be a U.S. citizen and a Delaware resident or Delaware Equine Council member. ($10.00 to become an individual member)
- Must be enrolled and in good standing in an agriculture, equine, veterinary or vet tech program in the United States.
- Must submit a typewritten 250-word essay :
“How I plan to use this course of study to further the equine or agriculture industry.”
- Must complete a typed application and include a transcript of a minimum of one full semester’s grades from an accredited college or university.
- All awards are given without discrimination as to race, sex, or creed.
- Application postmark deadline is January 31, 2017. Winners will be awarded in March 4, 2017. To download the application or for more details please visit:
Delaware 4-H Horse Bowl- NEW RESOURCES FOR 2017
The Delaware 4-H Horse Bowl will be held on March 11, 2017 at Lake Forest North Elementary. Divisions are available for Ages 9-10, 11-13, and 14-19 as of January 1 of the 2017 4-H year. This year we are switching to using the newly updated 2015 4-H Horse Manuals as resource material. These new versions have the same titles but are the manuals with the blue covers. We are discontinuing use of the old tan cover versions of the 4-H Horse Manuals.
Questions may come from:
- 4-H Horse Manuals (blue cover 2015 version):
“Giddy Up and Go”, “Head, Heart and Hooves”, “Stable Relationships”,
“Riding the Range,” “Jumping to New Heights,” “Horse Project Helper’s Guide.,”
and 4-H Horse curriculum corrections found on-line at www.n4hccs.org.
- In addition to the 4-H Horse Project manuals:
Age 8-10: Your Pony, Your Horse, by Cherry Hill
Age 11-13: Your Horse, a step-by-step guide to horse ownership, by Judy Chapple (and age 8-10 material).
Horses and Horsemanship – by Ray Antoniewicz, National 4-H Council- NEW!!
Age 14 and older: Storey’s Horse-Lover’s Encyclopedia, edited by Deborah Burns (and age 8-10 and 11-13 material).
Horse Science- by Ray Antoniewicz, National 4-H Council- NEW!!
Delaware Ag Week
Delaware Ag Week programs, along with an agricultural trade show and exhibits by the First State Antique Tractor Club, are being held January 9-13, 2017 at the Delaware State Fairgrounds in Harrington, Delaware. Sessions focused on beef cattle production, small ruminant production, equine management and hay and pasture are among the variety of programs being held. For the complete schedule of events and individual session schedules please visit http://sites.udel.edu/delawareagweek/
Delaware Ag Week Seminar for Beef Cattle Producers
January 9, 2017- 6:00-9:00 pm
Exhibit Hall Board Room
6:00-6:30 pm- Understanding Your Farms Soil Type and Its Impact on Your Pasture”- Phillip Sylvester, Kent County Agricultural Agent, University of Delaware
Break for Light Dinner and Delaware Beef Advisory Board/NCBA Updates- Sponsored by the Delaware Beef Advisory Board
7:00- 7:30 pm- “Weaning Time Management Strategies”- Speaker TBA
7:30-7:50 pm- “Delaware’s Animal Control and Animal Cruelty Laws 101” -Sherri Warburton, Animal Welfare Officer, Delaware Department of Agriculture
8:00-8:30 pm “Fly Control Options for Beef Cattle Operations”- Speaker TBA
8:30 pm- “iClicker Beef Cattle Producers Needs Assessment”- Susan Garey and Dan Severson, University of Delaware
8:45 pm- Questions, Evaluations and Adjourn
Please RSVP to by January 4th to truehart@udel.edu or (302)730-4000 if you plan on attending so we can make the necessary arrangements for food and materials.
Delaware Ag Week Seminar for Small Ruminant Producers
Tuesday, January 10, 2017- 6:00-9:00 pm
Exhibit Hall Board Room
6:00 pm- Welcome and Announcements
6:05- 6:20 pm- “Introduction and Future Prospective of DSU’s Small Ruminant Program”- Dr. Kwame Matthews, Ph.D., Assistant Professor and Small Ruminant Specialist, Delaware State University
6:20- 7:00 pm- “Traceability and the National Scrapie Eradication Program”- Dr. Alan Huddleston, VMD, Associate Team Lead USDA, APHIS, VS, SHCE, Sheep & Goat Health
7:00- 7:20 pm- Break for Dinner– “Delaware’s Animal Control and Animal Cruelty Laws 101” -Sherri Warburton, Animal Welfare Officer, Delaware Department of Agriculture
7:30- 8:30 pm “Increasing the Lifetime Productivity of the Ewe and Doe” Dr. Marlon Knights Ph.D., Associate Professor of Reproductive Physiology, West Virginia State University
8:45 pm- Questions, Evaluations and Adjourn
Please RSVP to truehart@udel.edu or (302)730-4000 by January 6th if you plan on attending so we can make the necessary arrangements for food and materials.
Delaware Ag Week Equine Pasture Program
Tuesday, January 10, 2017 6:00-9:00pm
Exhibit Hall
6:00 pm– Welcome and Announcements
6:05 pm- “Understanding Your Farms Soil Type and Its Impact on Your Pasture”
Phillip Sylvester, Kent County Agricultural Agent, University of Delaware
6:30 pm- “Managing the Risk of Laminitis in Horses on Pasture”
Dr. Sarah Ralston, VMD, PhD, DACVN, Professor and Fulbright Scholar, Department of Animal Science, Rutgers University
7: 15 p.m. Break
7: 30 p.m. Safety Strategies: Around the Barn and with Horses
Jessica Flores, Senior Agent Associate Agriculture, University of Maryland
7: 45 pm- “Global Worming- How to Prevent De-Wormer Meltdown in the 21st Century”
Dr. Rose D. Nolen-Walston, University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine
8:15 pm- “Farm and Manure Management: Tips to Protect the Environment”
Susan Garey, Extension Agent Animal Science and Sydney Riggi, Extension Agent Nutrient Management, University of Delaware
8:40 pm- Adjourn