Sussex County Order of Links News and Updates

Meeting/Gathering at the Fair: I am contacting the other Link’s presidents and arranging a gathering at the Fair. It will be a meet out front of the 4-H building at 6:00 pm then we all ride the Sussex County Float. Jamie Simpson is getting us a banner made so we have for all our link events!

Summer Picnic. Will be August 13th at 3:00 pm at the West’s home. Please bring a pot luck dish and your plates, napkins, forks. Links are providing beverages and protein portion of dinner. (So yes, desserts too;)) I will add a FB event and post on our Link page.

T-Shirts: We are getting t-shirts printed and should have them for sale at the Fair event as well as Summer Picnic. $15 for med – xl, $19 for XXL. Also printing super cool koosies $5 a piece.

links shirts









By-Laws were read and only a super small typo was changed. They will be voted on at our August meeting. The final copy is on our Facebook page in the files.

Media Committee. This is a new volunteer committee added in the By Laws. I need 2 people who are slightly tech savey. We want to hold the meeting online so anyone can join in. To do that I want 2 people to learn the program and be able to set us up prior to meetings. If no one steps up, then meetings will be held as usual.

Pumpkin Contest: October 22nd. Redden Forest Lodge

NEXT MEETING: Will be held at the Summer Picnic August 13th.

Please make sure you are on our facebook page!!! and that we have your updated email and mailing address.

Amy West, Links President

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