International Foods and Talent Show Event

Four Little Clovers Dinner Theatre – International Foods & Talent Show

22566719273_dfe83bba75_zOver two hundred Sussex 4-H members and family celebrated International Foods at the North Georgetown Elementary School on Nov. 21, 2015. Australia, Canada, China, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, El Salvador, England, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Jamaica, Mexico, Peru, Poland, Puerto Rico, Scotland, Spain, Switzerland, Sweden, Thailand, and the United States were the countries represented.  Junior Council President, Nathaniel Vincent served as moderator. Sixty-one 4-H members prepared an international recipe which was displayed and sampled at the event. Many other dishes were prepared by 4-H families participating in the Talent Show.  Following the dinner, club talent provided the theatre entertainment. This event is a favorite family fall activity! Check out the photos on our Delaware 4-H Flickr site!

Special thanks to: Set up committee: Colleen Anderson, Gary Brown, Taylor Messick, Kyle Morris, 

Jacalyn Bradley and Jill Jackson, International Foods Chairperson: Jacalyn Bradley; Talent Show Chairperson: Jacalyn Bradley & Rebecca Jones; Greeters: Rebecca Arpie, Taylor Messick, Kyle Morris and Madison Rice, Emcees: Colleen Anderson and Paige Vincent; Photographer:  Jackie Arpie, Clean Up: 4-H families! Exchange Trip Silent Auction: Melissa Mitchell, Shawn Mitchell, Jenna Anger, Gina Anger, Erryn Smith & Matison Smith.

International Foods participants:
22799695047_80be5acba1_zBlake Allen, Devon Allen, Jenna Anger, Juliette Anger, Rebecca Arpie, Erin Carey, Karoline Carey, Meredith Carey, Rachel Carey, Dakota Carmona, Diamond Carmona, Calleigh Clarkson, Makenna Cooper, Mary Cordell, Mallary Cumings, Ryan Cummings, Carlyn DeFord, Wesley DeFord, Aaron Elmer, Cody Elmer, Jordan Elmer, Shelana Elmer, Bailey Fletcher, Brynn Hovatter, Logan Jackson, Austin Jewell, Samuel Jones, Rachel Jones, Brooke Joseph, Shania Joyner, Jill Koski, Beth Krajewski, Sarah Krajewski, Autumn Lenhart, Christopher Lenhart, Rebecca Lenhart, Victoria Lingo, Sundene Lodge, Trey Lodge, Thomas McCabe, Samantha Messick, Taylor Messick, Alaya Mills, Shawn Mitchell, Kyle Morris, Hannah Perry, Matthew Rieley, Miguel Rodriguez, Eujihia Smith, Daniel Tull, Bryan Ucman, Kylie Ucman, Lexi Ucman, Miranda Ucman, Cassie VanBuskirk, Alanna Vanderwende, Aydan Vanderwende, Paul Webb, Ainsley West, Nazir White and Ezaia Winstead.


Talent Show participants:  Samuel Jones, Cypress Heart & Hands 4-H, Jenna Anger, Dakota Carmona, Hollymount 4-H, Rachel Jones, Dairy Club, Bailey & Keira Fletcher, Dublin Hill 4-H and Junior Council

All Participants of the night’s event received a Participation Ribbon.

Sussex 4-H Exchange Trip:  The group provided a Silent Auction fundraiser with items such as   homemade food items, holiday décor and much more!  Thank you to all those who bid on the items and donated money for this wonderful 4-H experience.


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