Our Future is REEL Bright! Achievement Event – 2015

Recap from a celebration of our Sussex County 4-H Family that made a BIG SPLASH!

The Friend of 4-H Award is given to businesses, organizations, and individuals that promote youth development and help Sussex 4-H attain their goals and objectives.

The recipient of the 2015 Friend of 4-H Award is Vincent Farms.  The Tom & Carole Vincent Family was chosen for this award because of their generous donations and continued involvement and dedication to 4-H activities.

22157420351_0cb78a7250_zThe Vincent Family has been involved in 4-H for over thirty five years.  Carole began her 4-H leadership in the Sycamore Club in Laurel, DE and helped guide her three children and many other youth through the 4-H program.  Her six grandchildren enrolled in 4-H, and Carole again began attending 4-H activities and events.  Carole continued working with 4-H as a Link Member, Delaware 4-H Foundation Member, Judge, 4-H Conversations Project Sussex County Coordinator, County Leader and resource leader.  Carole has volunteered to co-chair the Fashion Showcase Contest, work at the Horse Show, Judge project records, State Fair entries, demonstration and public speaking contests and is a member of multiple committees, Treasurer of the Sussex Order of Links, and Past President of the Sussex Leaders Association.

While Carole has been involved in lots of activities, her husband Tom and their sons Raymond and Clay have helped 4-H behind the scenes.  Whether providing the hay wagons for our annual Pumpkin Contest, helping with club level activities or purchasing an ad for the Horse Show Ad Book.  The family has also contributed monetary donations to fund the Betty Jestice Scholarship, which helps send a young 4-H member to State Camp.  For many years, the Vincent Family provided the awards for the Fashion Showcase Honor Court.  Carole has also donated handmade jewelry and other items for many silent auctions.  This family has helped Sussex 4-H members in a variety of ways.

We thank Carole, Tom and their sons for sharing their time and knowledge in so many ways.  The next time you see the Vincents, please be sure to thank them for their commitment to the Sussex 4-H Program!

This year’s recipient was Dr. William (Bill) Campbell.  Bill was chosen for this award because of his Leadership of reviving the Archery Competitions in Sussex County and his continued involvement and dedication to 4-H activities.

Bill was a project leader at Sycamore 4-H Club for photography and then re-opened his childhood club, Mt. Pleasant, and was the Club Leader. He has held various positions including President of the Leader’s Association. He has received the Volunteer of the Year award and in 2013, received the Sussex Friend of 4-H Award.  Bill loved any event where he was grilling, such as the Sussex Horse Show or Wednesday night of State Camp.  He was State Camp Nurse for 2nd week for about 10 years and has served on several camp committees, including Camp Clean Up and Camp Reunion. Bill has served at the state level serving on committees for the North East Leader’s Forum and has spoken at both North East Leader’s Forum and at the yearly state Leader’s Forum.

He currently judges photography at the DSF and is the county archery leader.

His proudest 4-H accomplishment is raising 2 children, Jonathan and Megan, through the 4-H program who are both Links as well!  There is little doubt that Bill will continue to inspire “To Make the Best Better.”


Mr. Doug Crouse and Representative Dave Wilson presented certificates to the National Congress participants.  They are:  Shawn Mitchell and Laurie Wroten. These youth will travel to Atlanta, Georgia November 27- Dec. 1, 2015 to attend National 4-H Club Congress.








New Inductees to the Sussex County Order of Links

Amy Webb West President of the Sussex Order of Links conducted the induction ceremony.




New inductees are:  Holly Anderson, Hunter Baynard, Nathan Bradley, Jenna Hitchens, Emma Rider, Kaleb Scott and Jonah Vincent.








Alexis Blockson:  Judging

Haley Reynolds:  Judging



Cheyenne Bowman:  Judging

Carter Bradley:  Exploring 4-H

Holly Calloway:  Foods

Alyssa Carpenter:  Arts & Crafts

Cole Carpenter:  Exploring 4-H

Dylan Carpenter:  Shooting Sports

Yasmin Cruz: Public Speaking

Austin Jewell:  Poultry

Rachel Mordes:  Exploring 4-H

Kaleb Parsons:  Public Speaking


Brittany Carpenter:  Horticulture & Judging

Gerald Carroll:  Goats & Poultry

Mallary Cummings:  Foods & Health

Ryan Cummings:  Community Service & Health

Carlyn DeFord:  Demonstration & Exploring 4-H

Wesley DeFord:  Demonstration & Shooting Sports

Tanner LeCates:  Community Service & Small Engines

Kaitlyn Willin:  Foods & Judging


Rachel Carey: Community Service, Foods & Health

Alexia Carroll:  Goats, Judging & Poultry

Kyle Kerr:  Foods, Public Speaking & Wildlife


Erin Carey:  Community Service, Foods, Health & Judging


Meredith Carey:  Community Service, Foods, Health, Judging & Leadership

Paige Taylor:  Demonstration, Foods, Horse, Judging & Rabbits



Erin Carey:  Dairy, Demonstration, Bicycle, Foods, Community Service, Health, & Judging


Jenna Anger:  Arts & Crafts, Community Service, Demonstration, Foods, Health, Horse, Horticulture, Judging, Leadership, Performing Arts, Public Speaking, Rabbits & Shooting Sports



Ike Wharton: Goats, Judging, Shooting Sports & Wood Science



Seth Layfield:  Judging

Rebecca Lenhart:  Public Speaking

Thomas McCabe:  Public Speaking

Emily Phillips:  Public Speaking

Ruby Phillips:  Public Speaking

Madison Rice:  Judging

Dustin Waller:  Judging


Autumn Lenhart:  Hiking & Public Speaking

Tommy Warren:  Judging & Public Speaking



Kaitlyn Johnson:  Demonstration

Madison Johnson:  Demonstration

Hannah Passwaters:  Fashion Showcase


Angela Lagano:  Fashion Showcase & Judging


Connor Smith:  Demonstration, Fashion Showcase & Public Speaking

Hailey Smith:  Demonstration, Fashion Showcase & Public Speaking



Katelyn Records:  Judging


Abigail Krams:  Demonstration, Foods & Clothing

Elizabeth Krams:  Demonstration, Foods & Clothing

Zoe Probert:  Fashion Showcase, Judging & Public Speaking


Rebecca Arpie:  Arts & Crafts, Clothing, Demonstration, Foods, Judging, Photography, Shooting Sports & Wood Science



Donna Mullins:  Horse

Emma Rider:  Judging

Rachel Robb:  Photography

Matison Smith:  Goats


Alexandria Nechay:  Community Service & Sheep


Erryn Smith: Goats, Judging & Shooting Sports

Jarrett Williams:  Community Service, Judging & Leadership


Gabriella Morra:  Community Service, Foods, Photography & Public Speaking


Shawn Mitchell:  Community Service, Demonstration, Foods, Leadership & Sheep

Laurie Wroten:  Arts & Crafts, Community Service, Foods, Judging & Leadership

Taylor Wroten:  Arts & Crafts, Community Service, Foods, Judging & Leadership



Destiny Carmona:  Public Speaking

Zoe Cunningham:  Public Speaking

Olivia Goehringer:  Public Speaking

Ben Ockels:  Judging


Collin Cunningham:  Judging & Public Speaking

Aileen Goehringer:  Fashion Showcase & Judging

Elise Goehringer:  Fashion Showcase & Judging

Marissa Timmons:  Fashion Showcase & Judging


Diamond Carmona:  Fashion Showcase, Judging & Public Speaking


Mikayla Ockels:  Bee Keeping, Community Service, Goats, Horse, Judging, Photography, Poultry, Public Speaking, Vegetable Gardening, Vet Science



Anna Lopez:  Public Speaking

Dory McCormick:  Demonstration


Bailey Fletcher:  Exploring 4-H & Public Speaking

Sundene Lodge:  Photography & Public Speaking

Samantha Messick:  Judging & Public Speaking

Kyle Morris:  Foods & Public Speaking

Hunter Severs:  Dairy & Judging


Beth Krajewski: Exploring 4-H, Judging & Public Speaking

Sarah Krajewski:  Dairy, Judging & Public Speaking

Katie Kuhlman:  Judging, Public Speaking & Wood Science

Matthew Rieley:  Dairy, Judging & Public Speaking

Miguel Rodriguez:  Dairy, Judging & Public Speaking


Colleen Anderson:  Community Service, Dairy, Goats & Leadership (APPLAUSE)


Ainsley West:  Demonstration, Exploring 4-H, Fashion Showcase, Judging & Public Speaking


Holly Anderson:  Community Service, Dairy, Demonstration, Judging, Leadership & Vet Science

Taylor Messick:  Dairy, Demonstration, Judging, Leadership, Public Speaking & Shooting Sports



Bryan Ucman:  Photography

Lexi Ucman:  Photography

Miranda Ucman:  Photography


Kylie Ucman:  Foods & Photography


Maggie Ford:  Foods, Judging & Photography

Milford 4-H Club


Amanda Kucharzyk:  Judging

Jimmy Kucharzyk:  Judging

Garrett Smith: Judging

Layne Smith: Judging

Victoria Smith:  Exploring 4-H



Evan Short:  Foods & Vegetable Gardening



Logan Black:  Wood Science

Alyssa Thawley:  Foods


Shannon Bradley:  Foods & Leadership

Hannah Henderson:  Judging & Photography


Jill Koski: Foods, Judging & Public Speaking



Cline Broussard:  Judging

Claudia VanGessel:  Clothing

Gladis VanGessel:  Photography

JUNIOR LEADERS are individuals who volunteer hours of their time to teach, share, and help other 4-Her’s. Junior Leader pins were awarded to: Rebecca Lenhart, Taylor Messick, Kyle Morris, Kaleb Parsons, Haley Reynolds, Garrett Smith, Alyssa Thawley, Daniel Tull and Paige Vincent.

Receiving their 1st year Leader Pins were:

Holly Anderson, Ashley Greenhawk, Jackie Arpie, Tameca Beckett, Lori Brown, Rene Diaz, Mary Lagano, Renee Parker, Travis Waller and Amy West

Receiving a 5 year Leader Pin were:

Noel Lenhart, Mike Love and Robin Wroten

Receiving a 10 year Leader Pin were:

Paul Anderson and Bo Waller

Receiving a 20 year Leader Pin this evening were:

Teresa Bennington, Carol Johnson and Wendy Wharton

Receiving a 35 year Leader Pin were:

Debbie Vanderwende and Carole Vincent

There were 35 Sussex County Cloverbuds.  In recognition of their fine efforts Cloverbuds received a 4-H pin and mini flying disc.

Exploring 4-H Project:  This project is designed for 4-H’ers 8-12 years old.  One hundred forty five first year members were enrolled in this project.  Eight 4-H’ers completed the project record that was judged for this event.  In alphabetical order:  Carter Bradley, Cole Carpenter, Carlyn DeFord, Bailey Fletcher, Beth Krajewski, Rachel Mordes, Victoria Smith and Ainsley West


Exploring 4-H Award Winners
Honorable Mention:
  Carter Bradley, Victoria Smith and Ainsley West
Winners:  Bailey Fletcher & Beth Krajewski





Diamond Clover Awards
Level 1 Award Winners (Amethyst pin)

Carter Bradley, Dakota Carmona, Destiny Carmona, Diamond Carmona, Cole Carpenter, Carlyn DeFord, Beth Krajewski, Sarah Krajewski, Autumn Lenhart, Rebecca Lenhart, Sundene Lodge, Zoe Probert, Paul Webb, & Ainsley West

Level 2 Award Winners (Aquamarine pin)

Holly Calloway, Rachel Carey, Mallary Cummings, Jace Goff, Ben Ockels, & Paige Taylor

Level 3 Award Winners (Ruby pin)

Erin Carey & Alyssa Carpenter

Level 4 Award Winners (Sapphire pin)

Wesley DeFord & Hannah Henderson

Level 5 Award Winners (Emerald pin)

Jenna Anger, Meredith Carey & Brittany Carpenter

Diamond Clover (Level 6) Award Winner (Diamond pin):
Holly Anderson – Hollymount 4-H Club – Project on forming the Sussex 4-H Dairy Club









Shooting Sports—Archery Awards
Recurve Bow

Junior Division:  Ian Rieley, Hollymount

Intermediate Division:  Cline Broussard, Stateline

Sr. Division:  Rebecca Arpie, Cypress Heart & Hands

Compound Bow

Junior Division:  Connor Smith, Country Clovers

Intermediate Division: Megan Wilson, Clover Knights

Senior Division:  Rebecca Arpie, Cypress Heart & Hands

Horse Bowl
Beginner Teams, Fearsome Fillies, sponsored East Coast Riding & 4-Hoofbeats Club, won 2nd place in the state competition.  Team members included:  Tori Smith, Anna Lopez, Kyli Baridon & Alex Herber. 3rd place in the state competition, Mini Stars, sponsored by East Coast Team members included: Logan Layfield, Ruby Phillips, and Emily Phillips.  The Magic Mustangs, sponsored by Bridgeville Mustangs included:  Paige Taylor, Alexia Carroll and Cheyenne Bowman.

Intermediate Teams, sponsored by East Coast Riding Club,  Team members included: Layne Smith and Autumn Lenhart.  Intermediate Team, the Equinators, sponsored by Bridgeville Mustangs.  Team members included:  Jenna Anger, Tanner LeCates and CJ Carroll. Intermediate Team, sponsored by 4-Hoofbeats included:  Kassidy Brown and Olivia Montgomery.

Senior Team, sponsored by East Coast Riding Club, Team members included:  Garrett Smith, Rebecca Arpie, Whitney Records and Mikayla Ockels.

Judging Trophies
Mr. William Vanderwende and sons sponsored the Dairy Trophy.  This trophy was presented to the Highest Scoring Sussex County 4-H’er in the State Dairy Judging Contest.  Receiving the trophy this year was Hunter Severs, Sussex 4-H Dairy Club.

The Wildlife/Conservation Trophy was presented on behalf of the Soil Conservation District.  The top scorer in the County Wildlife Contest was Madison Rice, Clover Knights.

Mr. and Mrs. John Hukill sponsored the Horticulture Judging Trophy.  The Horticulture Contest tested the participants’ knowledge of weeds, bedding plants, vegetables, diseases and insects.  The winner this year was Amanda Kucharzyk, Milford 4-H.

The Foods & Nutrition Judging Trophy was sponsored by the Argo family.  This contest emphasizes dietary and safe food habits and consumer skills. This year’s winner was Amanda Kucharzyk.

The Textile & Clothing Judging Trophy was also sponsored by the Argo family.   Participants need to know fibers, fabric care, construction techniques, terminology and how to select quality garments.  The trophy winner was Angela Lagano, Country Clovers.

The Photography Judging participants need to know equipment and the effects light and equipment have on the finished pictures. The 2015 Photography Judging winner was Amanda Kucharzyk.

The Wood Science Judging Contest participants rank wood articles, identify tools and wood, perform a woodworking skill and test wood science consumer skills and terminology.  The winner of the Wood Science Trophy was Ike Wharton, Buttonwood.

Diana Goodlavage sponsored the Horse Judging Contest Trophy.  This year, Haley Reynolds, 4-Hoofbeats, was the trophy recipient.

Diana Goodlavage also sponsored the Livestock Judging Contest Trophy. Livestock judging participants judge swine, sheep, beef, and goats, give oral presentations and are scored on knowledge, terminology, and communication.  Participants compete at the State Livestock Contest.  The winner of the 2015 Livestock Trophy Seth Layfield, Clover Knights.

Leaders Association Scholarship
The Leaders Association Scholarship Award is given to outstanding 4-H’ers.  The award takes into consideration:  1) Completing 4-H project work and project book; 2) Participating in county and state 4-H activities; 3) Providing community service; and 4) Demonstration of leadership. 4-H’ers may receive this award only once.  The winners of the 2015 Leaders Scholarships were Erryn Smith & Jarrett Williams.  Alternate winner was:  Taylor Messick.

Links Scholarships
The recipients of this award received a full scholarship to Younger Member Weekend Camp.
Male Winner: Kyle Kerr
Female Winner: Sarah Krajewski; Alternate: Paige Taylor

Phyllis Hill Memorial Award
Amy West presented the Phyllis Hill Memorial Award on behalf of the Hollymount Club. The recipient of this award was Holly Anderson. Holly is a member of the Hollymount and Sussex 4-H Dairy Clubs.

Barbara Taylor Memorial Award
Jacalyn Bradley presented the first annual Barbara Taylor Memorial Award.  This award looks at overall participation in events, especially Public Speaking and Demonstrations.  The recipient of the award was Ainsley West, Hollymount.  Ainsley will receive a full scholarship to Younger Member Weekend.

Day Camp Counselors:  Zach Adams, Colleen Anderson, Holly Anderson, Rebecca Arpie, Meredith Carey, Brittany Carpenter, Caden Dickerson, Taylor Messick, Shawn Mitchell, Kyle Morris, Kaleb Parsons, Kimberlyn Scott, Alyssa Thawley, Paige Vincent and Jarrett Williams.



Younger Member Weekend Counselors:  These youth planned, organized, and implemented an exciting overnight camping experience for 42 younger 4-H’ers 8-12 years old.  The theme was “The Wizard of Oz”.  The Junior Leaders were: Colleen Anderson, Holly Anderson, Rebecca Arpie, Shannon Bradley, Brittany Carpenter, Jacob Hopkins, Amanda Kucharzyk, Jimmy Kucharzyk, Taylor Messick, Shawn Mitchell, Amberlie Rice, Emma Rider, Kimberlyn Scott, Garrett Smith, Paige Vincent, Jarrett Williams and Kaitlyn Willin

Sussex County Farm Tours:  Holly Anderson, Colleen Anderson, Jenna Anger, Meredith Carey, Beth Krajewski, Sarah Krajewski, Taylor Messick, Matthew Rieley, James Rieley, Miguel Rodriguez, Evan Short, Tommy Warren, Michael Hopkins, Jacob Hopkins, Grace Hopkins, & Luke Hopkins


Ida Layton Award:  The Ida Layton Award is sponsored by the Layton Family in honor of Ida Layton, former 4-H leader and member of the Sussex County Horse Advisory.  Melissa Layton presented the award to Kimberlyn Scott.  Kimberlyn is a member of the Independent: Scott 4-H Club and outgoing President of Sussex 4-H Jr. Council.  She currently attends the University of Delaware.

The 4-H Spirit Awards are similar to those given at State 4-H Camp.  Recipients will be awarded for how they represented the 4 H’s (Head, Heart, Hands, Health) and  4-H Spirit throughout the year.  5 youth and one adult will receive this award each year.


This year’s Head award recipient is Shannon Bradley.  Shannon used her knowledge of 4-H activities and events to encourage younger members to participate in a variety of activities.  She also strengthened her leadership skills by helping at the Fall Overnighter and Younger Member Weekend.

Wesley DeFord is receiving the Heart Award.  This young man has participated in a variety of events at the local, county, and state levels.  Whenever there is an event, Wesley is there willing and able to help.  Whether at the county events or the Delaware State Fair, Wesley can be seen helping to set-up or take down the events.  Wesley puts his heart into everything he does.

The Hands Award is presented to Taylor Messick for her hard work and dedication as a Jr. Council member. From helping at Younger Member Weekend and Day Camp to Hopkins Farm Tours and helping at the DE State Fair, Taylor can always be counted on to help.

The Health Award goes to Zoe Probert.  This young woman is always on the go and willing to help in a variety of ways.  Zoe gave a wonderful speech at our Public Speaking Contest and participated in many events such as Clothing Showcase, Archery, and Younger Member Weekend.  Zoe may come across to some as quiet, but I have seen her come out of her shell and start to develop many important life skills.

Rebecca Arpie is receiving the Member Spirit Award.  This young woman has brought many new ideas and excitement to the 4-H program this year.  Throughout the year, Rebecca has shared her thoughts and ideas.  She is always looking for creative and fun ideas for activities, crafts and themes for events such as Younger Member Weekend and Day Camp.  Rebecca is always smiling and willing to help wherever she can! This young woman’s love for 4-H shines through in all that she does.

Last but not least is the Adult Spirit Award.  Sharon Anderson, Hollymount Club Leader, has been a valuable asset to Sussex 4-H for many years.  She is always willing to help wherever she can and always does it with a smile on her face.  Sharon helps out at events such as Fall Retreat, Winter Fun Day, Jr. Leader Weekend and Hopkins Farm Tour.  She was a wonderful help with the Jr. Council at meetings and events.  Sharon is always coming up with new ideas and ways to promote 4-H.  She makes the program fun for all who come in contact with her.

Congratulations to all of our award winners!

Special thanks to our distinguished guests for attending and helping present awards:  Dr. Mark Isaacs – Director of Elbert N. and Ann V. Carvel Center and Representative Dave Wilson.

View more photos of this event on our Delaware 4-H Flickr Site


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