Club News – November 2015

Hollymount – Sarah Krajewski, Reporter
HollymountHollymount 4-H club held our 2nd meeting of the year on October 8, 2015.   The meeting started out with the pledge of allegiance and the 4-H pledge.  We discussed new business and old business.  Then the exploring 4-Hers decided on our skit for the talent show while the clover buds did a Halloween craft.  Our club participated in a food drive and collected 98 bags of food that were donated to the food bank.



Sussex County Dairy Club – Sarah Krajewski, Reporter
The Sussex County Dairy Club held our 2nd meeting on Wednesday, October 21, 2015. We discussed the nutrition of a dairy cow and learned that there are two types of feed. We also discussed the talent show skit. For our next meeting we will be preparing for the public speaking contest by doing a report on a type of cheese we also have to bring in that type of cheese to try so that will be very fun.  We are accepting new members, so if you’re interested in learning more about Dairy cows or the dairy industry, please come join us at our next meeting – Wednesday, November 18, 6:30-800 pm at the Carvel Center.

Bridgeville Mustangs – Brittany Carpenter, Reporter
Bridgeville Mustangs 4-H LogoAs October’s meeting started at the Mustangs range, we welcomed quite a few new members and greeted them with a 4-H song and cheer. With much anticipation about preparation for Fall Harvest and Halloween festivities, The Bridgeville Mustangs members discussed old and new business along with report on Halloween Safety Tips and an illness prevention report. With the Fall allergy season in full force, there couldn’t be a better time for prevention!! Members learned how to prepare the Delaware 4-H record book to record their activities and achievements. This will help them keep accurate records throughout their 4-H year. The Mustangs can’t wait for the spooktacular events to come, such as the Pumpkin Contest and the Fall Retreat at Redden Lodge in Georgetown. Also, many members are planning on attending events such as the Wood Science workshops, the county archery shoot, & International Foods on November 21st. As project group leaders start to host their meetings this month, the Mustangs are in for an exciting and eventful 4-H year.

Harbor Lights – Olivia Goehringer, Reporter
HarborLightsOn October 16, the Harbor Lights 4-H Club had a meeting at 5:00pm.  After the meeting we had so much fun decorating our pumpkins for the pumpkin contest that took place at the Redden Lodge on October 17th, 2015. At the contest there were games for all to have a great time with! I think everyone did a fantastic job decorating their pumpkins! It was great fun (but a little coldJ)! At the contest they had a Hunted house that was put on by the Jr. Leaders which also added tons of excitement and fun.
Our club is putting on a Christmas play about Christmas memories and love on December 4 at Old Paths Church of Christ, 18246 Redden Rd. Georgetown, DE 19947. Everyone is invited to this Harbor Lights 4-H play entitled “Back In My Day”. The play is about a special night when a Grandmother uses unforeseen circumstances to teach children a valuable lesson.
Our club has a lot of exciting and enjoyable things that everyone can be a part of. Thank you so much for reading!!!!!!!!!!!

Sussex 4-H Jr. Council – Jenna Anger, Reporter
Jr. CouncilThe October 5 Jr. Council meeting was full of excited Jr. Leaders ready to finish prepping for the haunted house during the Pumpkin Contest and the Fall Overnighter.  It will be a frightening good time!  We discussed up-coming events, the Holiday Card Party for Heroes and International Foods/Talent Show.   Making cards for the troops overseas is a fantastic community service project.   Everyone should come out for the fun, fellowship, and support the troops.  International Foods is an event that you don’t want to miss.  Foods from all around the world, from Jamaica to China, Sweden to Peru, there will surely be a lot of food to try.  At the meeting, the winners of the Window Display Contest were announced.  Congrats to Stateline 1st place, Bridgeville Mustangs 2nd place, and Rossakatum 3rd place.  We can’t wait to see your displays at the DE State Fair.   The 4-H’ers brainstormed new and creative community service activities/events and fundraising ideas……Be on the lookout for these coming to Sussex County 4-H.

The next Jr. Council meeting will be held on November 2 at 7:00 pm.  We hope to see some new 4-H’ers join us!

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