Animal Science Updates – November 2015

Small Ruminant Health Workshop – November 5
As part of a larger small ruminant health grant, please join us on the evening of November 5, 2015 at the Paradee Center in Dover, Delaware for our initial workshop in a series of health related workshops. This workshop will focus on vital signs and health assessments and recognizing the signs and symptoms of pre-parturient diseases (diseases of pregnant ewes/does) and diseases in lambs and kids.  Our featured guest speaker for the evening will be nationally recognized expert on small ruminant veterinary care, Dr. Wendy Freeman, VMD.

Dr. Freeman graduated from the University of Pennsylvania Veterinary School in 1985.  After graduation, Dr. Freeman completed an internship and residency in Field Service at the University of Pennsylvania New Bolton Center in 1988.  Following her residency, Wendy joined the faculty at New Bolton Center and became Assistant Professor of Medicine and Field Service in 1992, where she worked on developing and directing the small ruminant program.  Dr. Freeman directed the reproductive program and implemented total health care and clinical studies of the teaching flock.  Wendy is one of the most experienced small ruminant specialists in the United States and sees both large and small animal patients at Longwood Veterinary Center in Kennett Square, Pennsylvania on a full-time basis.

The Small Ruminant Health Program is a project developed by University of Delaware extension professionals Susan Garey and Dan Severson in response to a deficiency of veterinarians in the region with the desire to treat small ruminants. As a result, producers need to further develop their skills in assessing animal health and treating common diseases.  A Risk Management Grant Proposal was funded by the Northeast Extension for Risk Management Education Center to develop the project. A needs assessment was completed to determine needs for technical training and skill development. If producers can develop knowledge and skills in assessing animal health, recognizing disease symptoms, determining treatment and performing treatment skills, producers can ultimately reduce mortality rates increase productivity of their flocks and herds.

For questions or to register for this free workshop, please contact Susan Garey, Extension Agent Animal Science, University of Delaware (302)730-4000 or Dan Severson, New Castle County Extension Agricultural Agent, (302)831-8860 or by November 2. If you have any special needs in accessing this program, please let us know two weeks in advance.  The full program brochure can be found here:

Holler-n Hooves 2nd 4-H Horse Clean and Groom Contest- November 21
What could be more fun than intentionally giving your horse a mud spa treatment?  Please join us and see what the fun is all about!

Holler-n-Hooves 4-H Club is sponsoring this fun event that lets youth demonstrate horse knowledge, grooming skills, showmanship skills, team work, communication and sportsmanship in a competitive yet relaxed and friendly setting.  No show experience is required but participants should be familiar with horses and basic horse handling and grooming skills.

Each team provides: 3 kids, 1 horse and 1 handler (preferably an adult)
Cost: $10 per participant/$30 per team
Contest limited to the first 12 teams so enter early!

Location:  Apex Arabians Indoor Arena, Williamsville Rd. Houston, DE

Horses register at 7:00 am to be mudded by adults
Teams register at 8:00 am
Awards presented at noon

Great prizes and fun!  Food available on site but please bring your own chairs!
For more information please contact Christie Little (302)270-2083 or on Facebook Holler-n-Hooves 4-H or for complete rules, email

Delaware Equine Council Scholarship- $1000

Eligibillity:  Must be a U.S. citizen and a Delaware resident or Delaware Equine Council member. ($10.00 to become an individual member)
Must be enrolled and in good standing in an agriculture, equine, veterinary or vet tech program in the United States.
Must submit a typewritten 250-word essay :  “How I plan to use this course of study to further the equine or agriculture industry.”
Must complete a typed application and include a transcript of a minimum of one full semester’s grades from an accredited college or university.
All awards are given without discrimination as to race, sex, or creed.
Application postmark deadline is January 30, 2016. Winners will be awarded in March of 2016.  To download the application or for more details please visit:

2016 Delaware 4-H Horse of the Year
The Delaware 4-H Horse Advisory Committee in conjunction with Peter Stone of Stone Model Horses is pleased to offer the Delaware 4-H Horse of the Year contest.  The contest is open to all traditional age 4-H members and you don’t necessarily have to own your own horse to participate.  The winner receives a custom painted model of their special horse.  For complete rules and entry information, please click on the link below.  Postmark deadline is November 16, 2015

Delaware Youth Dairy Futurity
The entry form for the 2016 Delaware Youth Dairy Futurity has been posted to the State 4-H Animal Science webpage and the first entry deadline is November 16, 2015.

To participate in the 2016 Futurity for Summer Calves, a calf must be nominated by May 1, 2016.  All calves, born June 1, 2015 to August 31, 2015 inclusive, of any dairy breed are eligible to enter the Delaware Youth Dairy Futurity. Calves MUST be exhibited by a Delaware State Fair Junior Dairy Exhibitor.  Leased animals are eligible and an exhibitor must be named on the last entry on May 2, 2016.

1st payment of $5.00 due on or before November 16, 2014
2nd payment of $10.00 due on or before February 1, 2016
3rd payment of $15.00 due on or before May 2, 2016

Late entries are permitted but if you do not enter the animal on the first due date, the payment will be doubled.  If your first entry is made on February 1, your entry fee will be $30.00.  If you do not enter until May 2, your entry fee is $70.00 on May 2.

Entry questions can be directed to volunteer Dairy Futurity co-chairs John Hickey or Charmayne Busker

Horse Bowl Already??

It’s never too early to begin preparing and studying for the State 4-H Horse Bowl!  Study materials for 2016 are:

Divisions are available for Ages 9-10, 11-13, and 14-19 as of January 1 of the 2016 4-H year.

Questions may come from:  4-H Horse Manuals:
“Giddy Up and Go”, “Head, Heart and Hooves”, “Stable Relationships”,
“Riding the Range,” “Jumping to New Heights,” “Horse Project Helper’s Guide.,”
and 4-H Horse curriculum corrections found on-line at

In addition to the 4-H Horse Project manuals:
Age 8-10: Your Pony, Your Horse, by Cherry Hill
Age 11-13: Your Horse, a step-by-step guide to horse ownership, by Judy Chapple (and age 8-10 material).
Horses and Horsemanship – by Ray Antoniewicz, National 4-H Council- NEW!!
Age 14 and older: Storey’s Horse-Lover’s Encyclopedia, edited by Deborah Burns (and age 8-10 and 11-13 material).
Horse Science- by Ray Antoniewicz, National 4-H Council- NEW!!

The Delaware 4-H Horse Bowl will be held on March 12, 2016. Entries are due to the State 4-H office postmarked by February 12, 2016 and pre-entry is required.

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