Club News: May 2015

Harbor Lights – Diamond Carmona, Reporter
The Harbor Lights met at LewesHarborLights Church of Christ on April 13, 2015. It was a meeting to remember. The secretary gave her report and the treasurer gave his report as well. Marissa Timmons, Alieen Goehringer, Diamond Carmona, Elise Goehringer, Olivia Goehringer, Zoe Cunningham, and Dakota Carmona all participated in the Clothing and Textile Showcase. Marissa made a beautiful tutu, Alieen made a stunning dress, Diamond made a gorgeous skirt, Elise made a fabulous skirt, Dakota made a cozy quilt, Olivia made a warm quilt and Zoe made a causal tote. They all did an amazing job! Collin Cunningham and Ben Ockles went to the Wildlife Judging. Collin Cunningham said “It went well and it was a lot harder than last year” We planned a date for adopt a highway. Lydia Adams and her dad made an invitation for our spring production. It looks so cute! Two of our club members Nathan and Daniel Jefferson are leaving 4-H because they are moving to Texas. We will miss them. Mrs. Angel, our club leader, got them each a gift so they can remember our club.

fashionElise and Aileen Goehringer pose in the beautiful garments that they made for the Statewide Clothing Showcase







Dublin Hill – Gabriella Morra & Mattie Smith, Reporters

Dublin HillOn Thursday, April 16th 2015, the Dublin Hill 4-H club called their meeting to order. Seven of our members were present. Our club’s balance was $1,769, after our baked goods table at T. S. Smith’s where we made $130. As old business, Taylor Wroten competed in foods judging, and Jarrett Williams competed in woodworking judging, bringing home 4th place. As new business, we discussed the state fair’s deadlines for animal and project entering, younger member weekend, and horse show Ads and trophy papers, along with the Jr. Council walkathon.

Bridgeville Mustangs – Jenna Anger, Reporter
Bridgeville Mustangs 4-H LogoThe Bridgeville Mustangs are ready for spring and preparing for the Delaware State Fair.  The April 16th meeting began with an informative health report by Ryan Cummings on tick prevention and how to care for tick bites.   Our song leaders, Rachel Carey and Mallory Cummings led the club with a song.    Paige Taylor reported on the Breyer Model Horse Show.  Congrats to Paige, Brooke, Juliette, & Jenna for all their wins.  Carter Bradley told the club about his cool equine art pictures that he made during the project evening.  Make sure you check them out on display at Chick’s next month.  Brittany Carpenter told us about her participation in the Horticulture and Photography judging.    We discussed demonstrations and encouraged all members to give it a shot.   Our club has several members attending YMW.  We can’t wait to hear about all the fun that they had!  After the meeting adjourned, members including the Cloverbuds propagated spider plants for the fair.  Jenna Anger led this activity.

In April, the Arts & Crafts group worked on 3 awesome projects for the fair.  The Outdoor Adventures group went on a bottle hunt.  They searched at the Kerr’s residence and found some really old glass bottles.   Consumer Ed. is studying hard for the July competition.  The Horse group is beginning to start farm visits and preparing for the county judging.  Health group discussed burns and how to care for them.  Foods group had a lesson on making yummy subs and sandwiches.

I would like to congratulate my mom, Gina Anger, she has not only been named the county winner but now the 2015 State of Delaware Salute to Excellence Volunteer of the Year.  Thanks for all you do for our club, county, and state 4-H!!!

The Bridgeville Mustangs are holding their annual BBQ Chicken fundraiser on May 31st at the Kiwanis stand on Rt. 404.  Contact any Mustang member or Marian Carey 302-381-5221 for tickets.  Please support the Mustangs!!

Seaford Blue Jays – Alyssa Thawley, Reporter
4h seaford blue jays
This month, the Seaford Blue Jays experienced a lot of fun activities! First, for this months meeting, we all gathered at the Sweet Serenity Chocolate Shop to learn about what happens behind the counter. Everyone learned about how they made their chocolate and where the chocolate takes them! They demonstrated how they used the converter belt to make chocolate covered pretzels, rice krispies, lollipops, and more! We then hosted our April meeting at the chocolate shop. Shannon Bradley and Alyssa Thawley talked to us about the Junior Leader weekend, they both had a blast! Also, on Friday April 17th, the Seaford Blue Jays hosted a Paint Nite at Mt. Olivet Church, everyone painted a beach scene and we had a great overall turnout!



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