Animal Science Updates: May 2015


Delaware State Fair Livestock Handbook Department Changes for 2015
All livestock exhibitors must be at least five(5) years of age as of January 1 of the current fair year to show livestock.  This does not include rabbits and poultry.

Swine Exhibitors– the upper weight limit for market hogs has been raised to 290 lbs.  Market hogs must be 220-290 lbs in order to be shown.  Crossbred gilts and barrows for the open barrow show must be 200-300 lbs.  Any hogs not making these weights for these classes must be removed immediately following weigh in on Saturday morning and may not be shown.

A minimum weight for tagging of market hogs is being established this year.  If your hog does not meet the minimum requirement for that tagging date, it will not be tagged by fair officials.  You may bring it back to another tagging date but must meet the minimum for that next date.  The minimum weights are:

May 2, 2015- 75 lbs.

May 9, 2015- 80 lbs.

May 15, 2015- 85 lbs.

May 19, 2015- 85 lbs.

Sheep Exhibitors– no tank or tub washing of sheep is permitted on the fairgrounds.

Beef Exhibitors– Tie out times have been established starting in 2015 for beef cattle.  Tie out between the horse barns will be allowed from 9:00 pm to 9:00 am.  Tie outs must be cleaned nightly and all manure brought to the designated manure bunks.

Goat Exhibitors– beginning with the 2016 Delaware State Fair, all pygmy goats will be required to be registered.  Registration papers will be checked beginning in 2016.

Delaware State Fair Livestock Tagging Dates for Market Animals
All market animals must be identified with a Delaware State Fair ear tag in order to be eligible.  This applies to market steers, market lambs, market goats and market hogs.  Feeder calves and breed animals do not need to be tagged.


May 9, 2015- Kent County- DSF- 9:00 am- 11:00 am

May 15, 2015- Kent County- DSF- 6:00 pm- 9:00 pm- Tagging for Jackpot participants

May 19, 2015- FINAL TAGGING DATE- DSF- 5:00 pm- 8:00 pm

Jackpot Show Entries Due May 1
The Kent County 4-H Livestock Advisory Committee is hosting its 18th Jackpot Show on May 16, 2015 at the Delaware State Fairgrounds.  This is a market preview show for steers, market goats, market lambs, and market hogs.  Entry information is posted on the State 4-H animal science page and entries must be postmarked by May 1 or entry fees double.

 NCC Hosts 4-H/FFA Livestock Classic- ENTRY DEADLINE MAY 15- Late entry fees are double!
New Castle County 4-H and FFA Livestock Volunteers are hosting the 4-H and FFA Summer Livestock Classic on June 6, 2015 at the Delaware State Fair.  This event is open to any 4-H or FFA member in Delaware and the eastern shore counties of Cecil, Kent, Queen Anne’s, Caroline, Dorchester and Talbot counties. Classes offered include showmanship and market classes.  Entry information and a class list are posted on the state 4-H animal Science website
Please note entries must be postmarked by May 15.

 PQA Certification
All Junior Market Hog Exhibitors are required to have a current PQA certification in order to exhibit a market hog at the Delaware State Fair.  There are currently three options for obtaining PQA certification. The class certification option is open to any age but youth under the age of 8 (computed as of Jan 1 of the current year) must have a parent attend the class with them as national program guidelines do not permit a child under 8 to hold their own certification.  Certification received through the classroom option is valid for one year.
Youth over the age of 12 (computed as of Jan 1 of the current year) have the option of taking a multiple choice test in lieu of attending classroom training. The benefit of the testing option is that certification may last for longer than one year, depending on the age of the youth at test time.  Youth must score 70% or better to pass the test and can take versions of the test up to three times in one sitting to pass.

New for this year is an online training, testing, and certification option. Delivered in the form of an engaging, interactive online module, the new online option allows participants to learn, test, and become certified in Youth PQA Plus. For youth age 12 and under, a parent log-in for security is required. Youth only need to complete one of these three options for obtaining certification.

Beginners who participate in the online module will receive a one year certification. Intermediate and senior youth, depending on their age at the time of completing the course and if they pass the exam, could receive a three year certification, or certification lasting until they age out of their division if it’s less than three years, and move into the next age division. If an intermediate or senior youth member does not pass their exam online, they will receive a one year certification.  For more information and to complete your certification online, please visit

The following local PQA class training dates have been scheduled for this spring:

April 16, 2015 – NCC PQA Classroom Training- New Castle Country Extension Office 6:30-8:30 pm

April 21, 2015 – Sussex County PQA Classroom Training-Carvel Center 6:30-8:30 pm

June 1, 2015- FINAL PQA Classroom Training- Kent County Extension Office- 6:30-8:30 pm

The following PQA testing dates have been scheduled for this spring (walk in any time):

May 4, 2015- Sussex PQA Open Testing-Carvel Center- 4:00 pm-6:00 pm

May 7, 2015- NCC PQA Open Testing- New Castle County Extension office- 4:00 pm-6:00 pm

June 9, 2015- Kent County PQA Open Testing- Kent County Extension Office- 4:00pm-6:00 pm

You may attend class or testing in any of the locations. If you plan on attending any of these sessions, please RSVP to Susan Garey (302)730-4000 or at least three days prior so that there will be adequate materials. Please contact Susan Garey if you have any questions or concerns in regards to PQA certification needs.

5th Annual Delmarva Classic Goat Show
The Delmarva Goat Association will host their Fourth Annual Delmarva Classic on May 2nd and 3rd. It will take place at the Delaware State Fairgrounds in Harrington, Delaware.

Saturday, May 2- 9:00 am –Open Jr. Boer Breed and Showmanship

1:00 pm- Open ABGA Sanctioned Boer Goat Show

Sunday, May 3- 9:00 am- Open ABGA Sanctioned Boer Goat Show

For more complete rules and entry forms please visit the DGA website at—events.html

Delmarva Goat Association Junior Herdsman Award
The Delmarva Goat Association is very excited to announce the DGA Youth Herdsman Award for all youth 21 and under that are members of the DGA. There are two categories Senior and Junior with a monetary award and a jacket. This award is an accumulation of a youth’s work with the goat industry for a year. They will need to keep records of what and where they were involved in goat activities. This award will be presented at the Delmarva Classic Show in May.  For more information please visit the DGA website at—events.html or call (302)242-3464.

Dairy Leasing Agreements Due to County Offices May 1
2015 Delaware Youth Dairy Leasing Agreements must be turned in to county offices for county agent signatures or to Susan Garey by May 1.  Copies of dairy leases will be forwarded on to the Delaware State Fair.  The leasing agreement is posted on the state 4-H webpage under the “Dairy” heading. This is the only version of a leasing agreement that is accepted for Delaware shows.

National 4-H Dairy Conference Applications Due May 1
The 2015 National 4-H Dairy Conference is September 27-30, 2015 in Madison, Wisconsin.  The conference is for 15 to 18 year-olds who have participated in the 4-H Dairy Program for at least three years, who are currently enrolled in 4-H and have an interest in the dairy industry.  The Delaware 4-H Foundation provides funding for two delegates and one chaperone each year.

The conference will be held concurrently with the World Dairy Expo.  National 4-H Dairy Conference delegates may not participate in the National 4-H Dairy Cattle Judging Contest or exhibit cattle at the World Dairy Expo due to time constraints.  You may not have previously attended National 4-H Dairy Conference.  For more information on National 4-H Dairy Conference please visit  The updated application is available on the State 4-H Animal Science webpage at and is due to Susan Garey by May 1.

Final Delaware Junior Dairy Futurity Payment Due May 1
The third payment for futurity animals entered for the 2015 Delaware Junior Dairy Futurity is due May 1 to volunteer Charmayne Busker.  Calves MUST be exhibited by a Delaware State Fair Junior Dairy Exhibitor. Leased animals are eligible and an exhibitor must be named on the last entry on May 1, 2014.  For more information please consult the 2015 entry form posted on the State 4-H animal science page at or email Charmayne Busker

Harness Racing Camp Coming June 20-24, 2015!  Registrations Due May 15
The Harness Horse Youth Foundation, Harrington Raceway and University of Delaware Cooperative Extension are pleased to be partnering once again to bring a 5 day- 4 night camp back to Harrington Raceway for 2015.  Camp will begin on Saturday morning June 20 and end on Wednesday evening, June 24.  Participants learn to care for horses including grooming, proper equipment and safety techniques, and how to drive a horse, assisted by local licensed trainers and drivers.  HHYF travels with its own stable of Trottingbreds, a slightly smaller breed of horse than the Standardbreds that normally race at the track. The final evening of camp, Harrington Raceway will feature campers participating in televised races on Harrington’s track with well-known drivers as their racing partners. 

Campers will reside in the state police barracks on the Delaware State Fairgrounds for the duration of the camp.  The camp registration fee, which includes all materials, meals, lodging and field trips is $150.  Camp attendance will be limited in order to provide proper supervision for this intensive and fun learning experience.  Registration forms are due May 15.

New Recorded Webinar Available on Enhancing Biosecurity at Fairs and Shows
Biosecurity and protecting animal health is one of the largest concerns for youth exhibiting animals at fairs and shows.  This webinar was presented by Scott Cotton, University of Wyoming Area Educator and EDEN Chair-elect, and Curt Emanuel, Purdue Extension Educator and Boone County Extension Director. Cotton has been with Extension since 1993 and involved in disasters since 1972. His emergency/disaster roles have ranged from medical technician and firefighter to ICS/NIMS instructor and disaster exercise facilitator.  Emanuel is a former professional horse trainer. Since joining Purdue Extension in 1990, he has been involved in emergency and disaster planning at the local and state levels.
“Biosecurity at fairs and shows really begins well before the events. Animals should be vaccinated and receive health checks on a regular schedule. Their owners should be aware of disease risks and know how to care for the animals if they become ill or injured,” says Cotton. “Fairs are very public events and generate a good bit of interaction between people and animals. It is vital to their good health that biosecurity measures are practiced before, during and after these events.”
Emanuel notes that the potential for spreading disease at fairs and shows depends on those practices. “Exposing healthy animals and people to sick animals can lead to a disaster far wider than the local event. All animals should be identified and their owners should present documentation of the animals’ health checks when they arrive for inspection prior to the event. There should be an established protocol for the inspections as well as a procedure for housing and handling the animals during the event. In addition, there should be an animal biosecurity team on hand to take action if there are causes for concern.”
Susan Kerr is a Washington State University Extension Livestock and Dairy Specialist. She moderated the session. “Many types of disease issues can arise at fairs and shows. Many of these problems can be prevented if proper biosecurity measures are established and enforced. Scott Cotton and Curt Emanuel will help us be more aware of the risks associated with animal diseases in public venues and show us how we can help reduce those risks.”

The recording of this biosecurity webinar is available at:

Upcoming Webinar for Horse Project Members: Staying Safe on Roads and Trails While Riding Your Horse- May 19th
As we look forward to getting out and about with our horses, how can we take precautions to minimize bad experiences with people and vehicles on the roads and trails? This webinar offered by eXtension Horse Quest and My Horse University, will provide exposure to information and resources to give a heads up for fun and safe riding experiences.
The presenter, Dr. Betsy Greene is an Associate Professor of Animal Science and Extension Equine Specialist in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at the University of Vermont. She was raised in Bedford, Massachusetts and received her A.A.S. and B.S. from Morehead State University, her M.S. from the University of Arizona, and her Ph.D. from Kansas State University. She earned American Registry of Professional Animal Scientists certification in 1997.
Dr. Greene’s responsibilities in the Equine Science Program include teaching a variety of courses including Introduction to Equine Science, Animal Science Career Seminar, Horse Barn Cooperative, Equine Enterprise Management, and Equine Industry Issues. She also serves as a coach of the UVM Drill Team.
The webinar will be broadcast on May 19, 2015 at 7:00 pm but will be recorded and available for later viewing.  Registration is required to participate but is FREE.


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