2015 Clothing and Textiles Showcase – Spring into Fashion

The Statewide Clothing Showcase took place on Saturday, April 11 at Lake Forest High School.  Forty Five participants arrived at 2 pm and were interviewed by judges on their garments.  The youth also participated in their County Clothing Judging Contests and sewed squares for Quilts of Valor.  The contestants practiced their modeling skills and enjoyed a delicious dinner, provided by the Kent County 4-H Links.

The Clothing Showcase began at 7 pm where participants were judged on their modeling skills.  Each county gave ribbons to the participants and the honor courts received gift cards.  The statewide honor court was also announced and received engraved medallions.

A special thank you to 4-H volunteers and teens who helped make the event a success:

  • Planning Committee: Karen Crouse, Heather Crouse, Debbie Lagano and Elaine Webb
  • Community Service: Debbie Lagano & Angela Arpie
  • Modeling Instructor: Kayla Martell
  • Teen Volunteers and emcees: Lida Gannon, Kimberlyn Scott & Leslie Webb
  • Judges: Charmayne Busker, Sara Busker, Doug Crouse, Dee Givens, Jenna Hitchens, Karen Moore, Gail Tipton, Debbie Vanderwende & Betty Wyatt-Dix

Ready to Wear Winner- Sussex
Ainsley West






Sussex County Honor Court
Aileen Goehringer
Elise Goehringer
Zoe Probert

Other Ribbon Winners were:  Diamond Carmona, Angela Lagano, Hannah Passwaters, Connor Smith, Hailey Smith and Marissa Timmons

State Honor Court

Rain Vasey (Kent)
Rebecca Kemp (Kent)
Weston Williams (Kent)
Hannah Adubakari (Kent)
Cheyenne Coker (Kent)                     Sydney Messick (Kent)
Rachel Adkins (Kent)
Sophia Fitler (Kent)
Elise Goehringer (Sussex)
Aileen Goehringer(Sussex)                 Intermediate
Lake Vasey (Kent)
Rachel Taylor (Kent)
Hope Mongare (Kent)

Advanced Intermediate  
Leslie Webb (Kent)

Lena Berry (Kent)

More photos from the event can be found on our Flickr site



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