State Teen Conference: March 7-8, 2015

Delaware 4-H SSTC1tate Teen Conference was held in Newark March 7-8, 2015. With over 35 teens from throughout Delaware, we gathered at the Courtyard Marriott to “Join the League of Leadership.” We started off an exciting and fun filled weekend with making sure everyone knew each other with a few different icebreakers which were led by members on State Teen Council. We broke into different groups to talk STC2about community service and what the teens do in their county and clubs. Then we implemented community service by making dog treats for Faithful Friends in Wilmington.  Later in the evening, we had a fun superhero themed dance with a great DJ, Joe Anderson. On Sunday we had workshops in the morning about distracted driving and leadership. Both were hands on and STC3helped the teens think about things they can improve on in their driving and leadership skills. Over all we had a fun weekend that involved team building, leadership, community service and building lasting friendships!



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