2015 4-H Spring Farm Tour


It’s that time of year again to register for Spring Farm Tours at the Green Acres Farm, owned and operated by the Hopkins Family on Route 9 near Lewes, Delaware. The Program Objective is to educate children (Kindergarten-Grade 2) about Delaware Agriculture and provide children an opportunity to tour a working farm.

Farm Tours will be held May 12 (Tuesday), May 13 (Wednesday) & May 14 (Thursday). Kindergarten Days will be Tuesday and Wednesday, May 12 and 13. First and Second Grade Day will be Thursday, May 14. Special Needs and Home School groups will be scheduled for Wednesday and Thursday. If you plan to participate in the Farm Tour, we strongly recommend registering online to schedule a tour for your group.
Online Registration

Please contact Jill Jackson, 4-H Educator, with any questions. 856-2585 Ext. 524 or jackson@udel.edu

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