Club News: December 2014

Harbor Lights 4-H Club – Destiny Carmona, Reporter
Our NovemHarborLightsber club meeting took place at the Old Paths Church of Christ on November 10th.  We discussed the 4-H Skating Party in Harrington next month, we are also doing the Wildlife (wetland) project. Elise Goehringer did a demonstration on healthy snacks and Collin Cunningham and Ben Ockels did a demonstration on chess. Afterward, we practiced a mixed song of Don’t stop Believing / I am Yours for the Talent Show. Then we had a yummy snack to end our meeting. Our club enjoyed the International Foods dinner and were excited to encounter other 4-H members.

Hollymount 4-H Club – Katie Kuhlman, Reporter
HollymountOur meeting was held November 13, 2014.  The pledges were recited by two of our members.  We discussed old business of the food drive at Giant in Rehoboth.  We collected 105 bags for the Cape Food Basket.  Our club enjoyed the Pumpkin Contest and Fall Retreat.  On November 7, we got together to make Christmas cards for the soliders.  Next we discussed the International Dinner and the upcoming Christmas Parade in Lewes.  We are looking forward to getting the holiday season started.  We would like to wish our fellow 4H’ers a happy and safe Thanksgiving!  Till next month!

Cypress Heart & Hands – Abby Krams, Reporter
cypress heart and handsOur club met on November 11, 2014. Rebecca lead the 4-H pledge and Haylee lead the Pledge of Allegiance. Under old business, we discussed the Fall Overnighter and the Pumpkin Contest. We also discussed our Bowling Fundraiser. Under new business, we discussed Adopt a family shopping, skit for International Dinner, and the Christmas parade. For our craft we made grape Santa’s with a raspberry and marshmallow hat. It was deliciousand I hope we can do other crafts like that! Our next meeting is December 9, 2014.

Dublin Hill – Gabby Morra & Mattie Smith, Reporters
Dublin Hill 4-HAt the Dublin Hill 4-H club’s 11-20-14 meeting Cassie Vanbuskirk and Taylor Wroten led the pledges, the club as a whole took part in an ice breaker activity, and our secretary, Taylor Wroten, called our roll. Our treasurers report on our club balance was $1,388.24. As old business, we disscussed the fall overnighter/pumpkin contest, attendances and experiences at International foods, and our adopt a highway clean up day where afterwords we made crafts that would be donated to a local senior center. Then, we discussed our new business. Our Dublin Hill family night would be held the 26th of November, and it would include a canned goods and presents drop off  which will all be donated to the local cheer center. The club, as a whole will be going door to door to former 4-H leaders on the 14th of December. We also disscussed when we will be decorating our float for the Christmas parade, and the Bridgeville Mustang’s caroling in the park. After discussing all of our new business, we adjourned the meeting.

Stateline – Noah Webster, Reporter
stateline 4-H clubThe November 12 meeting was called to order at 7:07 pm. Our club enjoyed the Pumpkin Contest and Fall Retreat. We are brainstorming ideas for another fundraiser for sometime in the spring possibly.  We talked about  the 4-H Delaware delegation at National Club Congress and a few club members showed interest in the “Up for the Challenge” training. Our next meeting will be held on December 10 at the Manor House where we will be caroling for the residents. The meeting was adjourned at 7:42 pm.

Bridgeville Mustangs – Jenna Anger, Reporter
Bridgeville Mustangs 4-H LogoThe Mustang November meeting began with our Exploring    4-H’ers showing off their awesome treasure boxes they made last month.  Each box told about themselves and what they want to learn in 4-H.   Our club Health Reporter, Cody Coleman, told the club how to have a safe and healthy holiday by having fried turkey for your fest.  The Mustangs had a huge turnout at International Foods.  The members that went reported on their dishes from USA to Ireland to Australia to El Salvador and many more.  We discussed our Mustang Celebration for December, which we will be recognizing last year’s members.   Our Recreation Leader, Kaleb Parsons, lead us in playing the Sheet Game.  Now, we all know each other’s names!  Our Exploring 4-Her’s learned about how to use the 4-H’s in their daily routines.   In Cloverbuds, they made turkey ornaments and talked about what they are thankful for.

Our project groups are running at full speed.  The Foods Group served the Woodbridge Raiders High School Football team and did a lesson on making 3 different pancakes.  We sampled to see which was the best…..homemade was the winner.  The Horticulture Group took a nature walk in the woods and learned about different types of trees.  They are planning to do a pressed leaf collection.  Horse Group has formed the Horse Bowl Teams and studying there questions.  Arts and Crafts group made boxes to keep their art work in and balloon bowls.   Health Group learned about broken bones and how to care for them.   Archery Group is practicing shooting those bull’s-eyes!!!!  Wow, our members are busy 4-H’ers!!!

The Mustangs would like to invite you, your family and friends to join us at our annual Caroling in the Park in Bridgeville on Sunday, December 21st at 6:30.  Come for singing Christmas carols, cookies, and yummy homemade hot chocolate!!   Hope to see you there!!  Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!



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