Ninety 4‐H members brought their pumpkin/gourd work of art to the Pumpkin Contest held at Redden Lodge on October 25. Participants enjoyed a hayride, games, inflatables, haunted house, food, hot chocolate, and spending the evening with 4‐H friends. Over 200 attendees enjoyed the fall 4‐H celebration!
Cloverbud Participants
Creative: Rihanna Irving, Laverty Lane, Kieran Probert, Cypress Heart & Hands, Christian Hedges, Bridgeville Mustangs, Keira Fletcher, Hollymount, Devon Allen, Bridgeville Mustangs, Abby Tatman, Bridgeville Mustangs
Character: Declan West, Hollymount, Shelby Pusey, Dublin Hill, Kylie Pusey, Dublin Hill, Harlie Krieg, Seaford Blue Jays, Gatlon Faulkner, Dublin Hill, Brooke Taylor, Bridgeville Mustangs
Animal: Dasaiyah Brown, Dublin Hill, Cora Krieg, Seaford Blue Jays, Sirena Banks, Clover Knights, Sabrina Banks, Clover Knights, Blake Allen, Dublin Hill, Travis Allen, Dublin Hill
Spooky: Azaky Ayres, Burton Village, Waylon Warner, Clover Knights, Bradley Tomeski, Dublin Hill
Beginner Participants, 8-9 years
Creative: Winner, Ava McCarron, Dublin Hill
Blue ribbon winners: Jasmire Collins, Hickory Tree, Rachel Carey, Bridgeville Mustangs, Logan Black, Seaford Blue Jays, Karoline Carey, Clover Knights, Donna Mullins, Dublin Hill, Libby Adams, Dublin Hill, Victoria Lingo, Hollymount, Katie Kuhlman, Hollymount, Kyli Baridon, 4-HoofBeats, Kyle Kerr, Bridgeville Mustangs, Cassie Vanbuskirk, Dublin Hill, Holly Calloway, Bridgeville Mustangs, Laura Tatman, Bridgeville Mustangs
Animal: Winner: Mallory Cummings, Bridgeville Mustangs
Blue ribbon winner: Hailey Smith, Country Clovers
Spooky: Winner: Carl Stump, Stateline
Blue ribbon winners: Ainsley West, Hollymount, Hannah Perry, Clover Knights, Bailey Fletcher, Hollymount
Red ribbon winners: Rene Messick, Burton Village, James LaFuente, Laverty Lane, Jeff Guston, Laverty Lane
Character: Winner: Beth Krajewski, Hollymount
Blue ribbon winners: Elie Christenbury, Cypress Heart & Hands, Carter Bradley, Bridgeville Mustangs, Wyatt Warner, Clover Knights
Young 4-H’er, 10-12 years
Creative: Winner: Cody Coleman, Bridgeville Mustangs
Blue ribbon winners: Elan Winstead, Hickory Tree, Tyronn Kane, Hickory Tree, Savannah Mumford, Burton Village, Ian Rieley, Hollymount, Matthew Rieley, Hollymount, Miguel Rodriguez, Hollymount, Mattie Krieg, Seaford Blue Jays, Lizzy Krams, Cypress Heart & Hands, Abby Krams, Cypress Heart & Hands, Rachel Bollmeyer, Bridgeville Mustangs, Landon Kee, Dublin Hill, Kassidy Brown, 4-HoofBeats, Paige Taylor, Bridgeville Mustangs, Lilianna Stump, Stateline, Kaleb Parsons, Bridgeville Mustangs
Animal: Winner: Hannah Rice, Clover Knights
Blue ribbon winners: Alexia Carroll, Bridgeville Mustangs, Sundene Lodge, Hollymount, Sarah Krajewski, Hollymount, DeeDee Christenbury, Cypress Heart & Hands, Ryan Cummings, Bridgeville Mustangs
Character: Winner: Rachel Morales, Bridgeville Mustangs
Blue ribbon winners: Summer Clow, Stateline, Austin Jewell, Bridgeville Mustangs, Zoe Probert, Cypress Heart & Hands
Spooky: Winner: Aydan Vanderwende, Dublin Hill
Blue ribbon winner: Megan Wilson, Clover Knights
Older 4-H’er, 13-19 years
Animal: Winner: Shawn Mitchell, Dublin Hill
Blue ribbon winner: Alanna Vanderwende, Dublin Hill
Creative: Winner: Haley Reynolds, 4-HoofBeats
Blue ribbon winners: Mary Cordell, Clover Knights, Rebecca Arpie, Cypress Heart & Hands, Paige Vincent, Bridgeville Mustangs
Spooky: Winner: Ike Wharton, Buttonwood
Red ribbon winners: Tiyon Donman, Burton Village, Angel Lafuente, Laverty Lane
Character: Winner: Hannah Henderson, Seaford Blue Jays
Blue ribbon winners: Madison Rice, Clover Knights, Thomas McCabe, Clover Knights
Carved: Winner: Danielle Drew, Rossakatum
Carved: Adult, 20 years & up, Winner: Lori Brown, 4-HoofBeats
Cloverbuds received a partcipation ribbon. All other participants received a ribbon and Division winners received five dollars. Congratulaons to all! The pumpkin contest is sponsored by the Sussex Order of Links.
Special thanks to: Link President, Amy West; Set up team: Joe West, Dave Mitchell, Wilmer Wilson, Sharon Anderson, Paul Anderson, Jean Wilson, Melissa Mitchell, Gail Tipton, Jamie Simpson & family, Kaitlin Klair and Jill Jackson, Registration: Marian Carey, Pam Eskridge, Emily Eskridge, Janet Snyder, Tiffany Snyder Judges: Jay Hukill, Charlotte Passwaters, Carol Johnson, Renee Parker, Roxanne Hense, Janelle Koski, Jacalyn Bradley and Kathy Carlisle; Brownies: Ginger Brown, Rosalie Hastings, Patsy Correll, Amy West, Sharon Anderson and Jean Wilson; Food: Jean Ellen Hitchens, Jamie Simpson, Wilmer Wilson, Jean Wilson, Gail Tipton; Hay Ride: Clay Vincent, Joe West, Bo Waller and Dustin Waller; Parking: Jack Taylor, Gil Hense, Paul Anderson; Inflatables: Krista & Zeke Wing; Games: Rossakatum Club, Hollymount Club, Links and Bridgeville Mustangs; Sponsors: Rehoboth Grand Rental, Walgreen’s of Bethany Beach, Clarke Hastings Butcher Shop, Utz Chips, Lighthouse Catering, Tunnell Companies, LLC, Hitchens Family and Vincent Family
Haunted Lodge
Sussex 4‐H families entered the Lodge where they viewed four rooms from a Haunted Circus.
Special thanks to the Junior Council members for planning, organizing and providing this scary production and for Kaitlin Klair for advising the event. Great job: Colleen Anderson, Holly Anderson, Jackie Arpie, Rebecca Arpie, Shawn Mitchell, Kaleb Parsons, Emma Rider, Nathaniel Vincent, Paige Vincent, Travis Waller, Ike Wharton, Jarrett Williams
Fall Younger Member Overnighter
Twenty‐seven campers set up camp at the Redden Lodge on October 25 immediately following the Pumpkin Contest. The Great Pumpkin, Kimberlyn Scott, greeted campers and icebreaker games began! Bats, Pumpkins, Cats and Ghosts groups learned teamwork and had fun playing new games. After reviewing camp rules, the groups enjoyed the large campfire, learned campfire songs, and made s’mores. The group traveled back to the lodge and prepared for lights out. On Sunday everyone was ready for the delicious breakfast. Group leaders reviewed activities of the day and classes began. Groups made a thumb piano and made fall utensil holders to donate to Meals on Wheels. The groups participated in a scavenger hunt and then it was time to depart! It was a weekend of 4‐H fun, fellowship and new friends! Special thanks to the wonderful counselors and chaperones for volunteering their time to provide this annual 4‐H event which is sponsored by the Sussex Leaders Association.
Event Chairpersons/Chaperones: Sharon Anderson & Melissa Mitchell, Nurse: Jacalyn Bradley; Chaperones: Dave Mitchell, Jill Jackson and Kaitlin Klair, Counselors: Kimberlyn Scott, Colleen Anderson, Holly Anderson, Rebecca Arpie, Emma Rider, Paige Vincent, Shawn Mitchell, Kaleb Parsons and Nathaniel Vincent
Please visit the Delaware 4-H Flickr Page to view photos from the event!