Club News – October 2014

Hollymount 4-H Club – Katie Kuhlman, Reporter
Our meetinHollymountg was held September 11, 2014, at 6:30 pm. The American pledge was recited by Sam and the 4-H pledge by Ainsley. We had a lot of achievements and fun over the summer. Now it’s time to get our new year started. We attended Relay for Life and made more than our goal. We received top team and team spirit awards. We have a lot planned for the upcoming months. We plan on doing Coastal Clean-up and attending the Christmas parade.  Also new this year, our club is a wood working club. Our club is looking forward to the busy months ahead!

Dublin Hill 4-H Club – Gabby Morra & Matison Smith, Reporters
At the Dublin Dublin Hill 4-HHill 4-H Club’s first meeting of the 2014-2015 year, our Presidents led the pledges, Gabby Morra, Aydan Vanderwende, and Matison Smith Lead the songs and our secretary did our roll call. Eleven of our members shared about their experience at the Delaware State Fair. Those members included Alex Nechay, Shawn Mitchell, Laurie Beth Wroten, Emma Rider, Erryn Smith, Taylor Wroten, Gabby Morra, Aydan Vanderwende, Alanna Vanderwende, and Matison Smith. We welcomed four new members and held our induction of officers which were are Co-Reporters Gabby Morra and Matison Smith, Treasurer Alex Nechay, Secretary Taylor Wroten, Co-Vice Presidents Shawn Mitchell and Jarrett Williams, and Co-Presidents Erryn Smith and Laurie-Beth Wroten.  All the members voted on our next window display and our Presidents informed our members about the new business for our club. The meeting was adjourned.

Cypress Heart & Hands 4-H Club – Lizzy Krams, Reporter
The Cypress Hcypress heart and handsearts and Hands 4-H Club met on September 9, at Carey’s Camp Church in Millsboro.  Our leader, Ms. Jodie, started the meeting with a fun game for ice breakers.  We broke into pairs and asked each other 3 questions: What’s your name?, How many years have you been in 4-H? and What is your favorite memory in 4-H?  It was very exciting to get to know new things about our group.

Our club President, Whitney Records, called the formal meeting to order.  Zoe led the American Pledge and I led the 4-H pledge.  Five of our members attended Delaware State 4-H Camp.  At the Delaware State Fair one of our members, Zoe, won first place in the Public Speaking Contest.  Several members entered exhibits too.  The upcoming 4-H events are Achievement Banquet, Pumpkin Contest, and Fall Overnighter.  Our club decided to meet about creating a Window Display this year.

With the new 4-H year starting, we closed the meeting with elections for new club officers.  The results are:  President – Whitney Records, Vice President – Haylee Wells, Secretary – Rebecca Arpie, Treasurer – Katlyn Records, Reporter – Lizzy Krams

Sussex 4-H Dairy Club – Holly Anderson, Reporter
calf1-300x184Holy cow!—the first Sussex County Dairy Club meeting was a busy one! We decided to participate in the Window Display Contest and we’ve got big plans for the upcoming talent show.  Ideas were discussed for community service projects and field trips as well.  We then dove into learning about the 7 breeds of dairy cows with a power point presentation.  BINGO!—-that’s right, a lively game of dairy bingo ended the night, complete with prizes.

If you are 8 and over and are interested in learning about dairy cows, plan to join us at our next club meeting on Wednesday 10/15 at 6:30 pm in the Carvel Bldg.  We will be learning about general calf care.  Keep in mind—you don’t need to own/lease or have any experience with dairy animals.  Plan to come and learn something new!

Bridgeville Mustangs – Jenna Anger, Reporter
Bridgeville Mustangs 4-H Logo
The Bridgeville Mustangs are riding into the 2014-2015  4-H year in style.  At our September meeting, we welcomed several new families to our 4-H family.  We held elections using a Mustang created “election booth”.   Our new officers that were elected are Co-Presidents Kaitlyn Willin and Haley Bender, Secretary Meredith Carey, Treasurer Tanner LeCates, and Reporter Jenna Anger.  Also, Safety Reporter C.J. Carroll, Health Reporters Ryan Cummings and Cody Coleman, Attendance Chairs Holly Calloway, Kyle Kerr, Austin Jewell, and Alexia Carroll, Recreation Chair Kaleb Parsons, Song Chairs Rachel Carey, Mallary Cummings, and Avery Kerrick, Exploring 4-H Leaders Erin Carey and Jenna Anger were elected at the meeting.  During the meeting, our club made pet treat containers to sell at PAWS Day at Tractor Supply.  They were adorable!  Our Cloverbuds were busy learning about apples, tasting apples and making an apple magnet craft.  They are being led this year by Gina Anger and Heather Taylor.  It will be an awesome year of learning and fun!

Our club has already participated in 3 community service events.  Bridgeville Community Night Out, Coastal Clean Up, and PAWS Day.  At Bridgeville Community Night Out we had 5 stations, making your own masks, an apple magnet craft, propagating spider plants, applying 4-H tattoos, and an animal identification game with ghost lollipops as prizes.  Coastal Clean Up was held at Phillips Landing in Laurel, DE.  Our members picked up a lot of trash along the river bank even a KFC dinner.  This was the Mustangs 3rd year working the PAWS Day at Tractor Supply.  We cooked & handed out hot dogs and sodas, applied 4-H & PAWS Day tattoos, sold treat containers made by the club, had a pet photo booth, a nail painting station for the diva dogs that came to see us, and gave out free homemade dog treats.  The club raised over $200 to donate to a local animal shelter.  Thanks to all our awesome members that helped volunteer at these events….. MUSTANGS ROCK!!

New project groups are forming, such as Horticulture, Archery, Shooting Sports, Outdoor Adventures, Poultry, Horse, Health, Foods, Arts & Crafts, Consumer Education, and Small Engines.  We have a fabulous group of volunteers that will be teaching us a lot of valuable skills this year.  All our members are looking forward to a fantastic year!    YIPPIE KI-YAY!!!!

East Coast 4-H Riding Club News
4-H East Coast Riding Club logoThe first meeting of the new 4-H year for the East Coast 4-H Riding club will be held on Thursday, October 16, 2014 at the R.E.C. meeting rooms. The meeting will begin at 6:00p.m. until 8:30p.m.  If you love horses, collect Breyer horse models, enjoy learning about horses, horse judging and the horse bowl contest, please try to attend this first meeting.  We will be making plans for the year, elect officers and have fun doing a horse craft.  Club will provide refreshments.  Any questions, please call Rita @ 856-2585, Ext 560.



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