Babysitter Training – Feb. 7-8, 2014, REC Annex
Click here for more information and to register for the training
Congratulations Laura Hill – Sussex County Link Member
Laura Hill was recently honored with the Secretary’s Award for Distinguished Service to Delaware Agriculture. Mrs. Hill and the other recipient were the first women farmers to receive this award.
Laura is a grain, vegetable and poultry grower and serves as second vice-president of the Delaware Farm Bureau and as a member of the Delaware Nutrient Management Commission.
Delaware Farm Bureau Scholarship
There is a $2500 scholarship opportunity for 4-H’ers whose family is a member of the Delaware Farm Bureau. This will be awarded to a college bound student who is pursuing a degree in an agriculture-related field. Deadline is April 2014. For more information, please call the Farm Bureau office at 1-800-273-0012 or 697-3183.
State Record Books
It is not too early for our 4-H teens to think about submitting a State Record Book. This Record Book covers two project areas plus leadership and citizenship projects. Sussex County will provide a State Record Book training workshop on Monday, March 10. More information about State Record Books will be posted soon on the State 4-H website.
Weather Alert
With winter activities come winter weather and the possibility of cancellations. The following are ways we notify the public of weather-related cancellations and postponements:
• Notify WMDT and WBOC. We distinguish ourselves as Carvel Research and Education Center. UD announcements that do not mention Carvel, such as Del Tech Campus, do not include our facility.
• A message will be left on 302-856-7303
• A message will be posted on our main Carvel website
• Notice will be posted on the Sussex County 4-H Facebook page. This will also feed directly into the Sussex County 4-H webpage. You do not need Facebook to see the announcement feed.
Pedal Pushers Bike Club
*Friday, February 14 – Bike Project Book Meeting at the UD REC Annex. 6pm-8pm
*Sunday, March 16. 4-H Pedal Pushers Bike Club will host a Bike Tune Up Day.
Tools, minor maintenance materials and help will be available from 1pm to 4pm at the UD REC Annex. This is the perfect time to check your tires, adjust your brakes and lube the chain as you prepare for a great bike riding year.
* Sunday, March 23rd. 4-H Pedal Pushers Bike Club will host a family bike ride on the Loblolly Trail at Trap Pond State Park. Meet in the parking lot near the boat rental dock. Ride will begin at 1pm. NOTE: There is an entrance fee for the park.
A little about the trail:
This trail winds around Trap Pond and links the Park Office, campground, and Baldcypress Nature Center. Nature enthusiasts will find abundant warblers, kingfishers, Great Blue Heron and baldcypress trees in their wetland habitats. The trail follows a crushed stone surface and traverses a fresh water wetland over an elevated bridge. This area is popular among birding enthusiasts. The Loblolly Trail allows for a full experience and appreciation of the park.
Farm Safety Certification Class set for March
GEORGETOWN, DE — A federal certification class to allow teens ages 14-15 to work on a farm and operate machinery has been scheduled for March 7-9 at the Redden State Forest and Education Center.
This class provides a teen with a basic understanding of a myriad of hazards found on the farm, safe practices and the skills needed to operate safely when working with tractors and equipment.
A written and practical exam is required in this 24-hour course.
Mike Love, the University of Delaware Extension safety agent, will host the event. University of Maryland Extension 4-H agents and personnel from several area agriculture equipment dealerships will assist in the program. The location of the class provides ample opportunity to complete the training and includes facilities to stay overnight. A trip to observe various farm equipment/tractors, both old and new, will be included in the training.
The program is open to all youth who will become 14 by the first of June 2014. **But teens must be 14 years old by the weekend training to complete the practicum (drive the course).**
For more information, contact Love at 302-856-2585, ext. 583 or email
2014 Delaware State Fair Tagging Date
May 3, 2014- Sussex County- REC Georgetown, 9:00 am- 11:00 am (no steers)