Con Agra Youth Application

Dear 4-H Teens Ages 14 -17,

Delaware 4-H and Extensions Food and Consumer Sciences Departments including EFNEP have just been awarded an exciting new opportunity from ConAgra.

We are putting together a team that includes 2 youth and adults, to go to the National Training, February 28- March 2, 2014 at the National 4-H Youth Conference Center, Chevy Chase. That is where you come in! If you are interested in providing leadership on a healthy living grant, and are available the weekend February 28- March 2, 2014 please complete the ConAgra Youth Application and return it to Karen Johnston by February 10, 2014. You must be at least 14 years of age by January 1, 2013 and in 9th-11th grade. Again, the last day to send in the ConAgra Youth Application is February 10, 2014.

The ConAgra Initiative has a goal of reaching 2,500 youth and their families with 10 hours of programming, 5 hours of experiential learning/community service. It is a joint effort of 4-H/FCS programming to facilitate impacting youth and families. Youth leaders are to be at the forefront of program planning and implementation with strong youth-adult partnerships and peer mentoring as keys to success.

There will be at least 2 capstone events engaging parents/caregivers and providing a bag of groceries at each event for replication of the concepts at the event back home as a family engagement project.

Your role as youth leader includes helping us train other youth and adults on this grant, as well as helping in the planning and implementation of the capstone events.

Once the applications have been reviewed, you will receive a call or email by February 14, 2013 if you have been chosen to attend the training in Chevy Chase. There is no cost to you associated with the training unless you desire to buy some souvenirs at the 4-H Conference Center.

Hurry and fill in that application!!!!


Karen Johnston
302-831-8866 Fax: 302-831-8934


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