Bridgeville Mustangs – Jenna Anger, Reporter
What a way to start a year!!! The Mustangs began their 1st meeting of the year with “The Bear Song” led by our terrific song leaders, C.J. and Alexa Carroll. After our business meeting, Mrs. Tammy Lecates planned a really fun game using balloons. We learned about our responsibilities in our home and community, especially doing our chores!! The Cloverbuds were busy making snowflakes and hoping for a big snowfall.
Our Junior Leaders have been preparing for the 2nd annual Mustang Winter Fun Fest. They have 8 cool crafts that we will be creating to enter in the Delaware State Fair. Our Horse Bowl Teams have been formed and are busy studying for the competition. Foods, Health, and Horticulture are meeting this month. Our leader, Mrs. Marian Carey has encouraged us all to enter Public Speaking and Favorite Foods Contests coming in February.
The Bridgeville Mustangs would like the thank everyone that came out to Caroling in the Park. We hope that you had a great time seeing members of the community gathering together and singing beautiful Christmas carols. Also, special thanks go out to our members for baking those delicious cookies and Mrs. Rita Hovermale for providing that awesome hot chocolate. Until next month, Happy Valentine’s Day!!