Sussex County Members Promote 4-H

National 4-H Week – October 6-13

Each year during National 4-H Week, Sussex 4-H Clubs are encouraged to promote Sussex County 4-H by making a Window Display to be placed in schools, libraries, storefronts, restaurants, and bowling lanes. Congratulations to the following clubs who participated and for an excellent job promoting 4-H!

2013 Window Display Winners



1st Place – Bridgeville Mustangs – “Pickin’ Possibilities with 4-H”






2nd Place – Lord Baltimore Helping Hands – “4-H A Fun Ride”







3rd Place – Dublin Hill – “Bloom in 4-H”



The top 3 winners have a chance to compete in the Window Display Contest at the Delaware State Fair. They will also receive a trophy at the 2014 Awards Night.

Honorable Mention

Stateline – “4-H Will Brighten Your Future”

Cypress Heart & Hands – “4-H in the Big Top”

Seaford Blue Jays – “Cruise into 4-H”

Clover Knights – “Join 4-H. Why we love it…”

Photos of the Window Displays can be found on Flickr

Paper Clover Campaign – October 9-20

On Friday, October 18, four members of the Sussex 4-H Jr. Council spent three hours at Tractor Supply in Seaford to promote Delaware 4-H and the Paper Clover Campaign. The teens gave out lollipop ghosts and 4-H flyers. The group was excited to be there when the 1000th Paper Clover was purchased by Sussex 4-H alumni, Steve Breeding.

Tractor supply









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