National 4-H Conference – April 5-10, 2014

2014 National 4-H Conference Application

Applications Due to the State 4-H Office – December 8, 2013

The National 4-H Conference is the premier civic engagement opportunity for 4-H members (15-19 yrs.) who are actively engaged in 4-H programs across the U.S. and its territories.

The 2014 National 4-H Conference will take place April 5-10, 2014 at the National 4-H Conference Center in Chevy Chase, MD. Applications from Delaware 4-H teens that are 10th and 11th graders will be accepted by the State 4-H Office until December 8, 2013.

Delegates will arrive at the National 4-H Conference Center in Chevy Chase, MD ready to connect, learn, engage, lead and impact their communities, their nation and their world. Here is how it plays out:

• Delegates self-select into round table topics during registration

• Round table sessions are conducted during the conference where in a group, delegates:

o identify and develop their perspective on the topic through research and deliberation

o find and share their own voice by listening and contributing

o develop a briefing on the topic that includes background information, facts, and recommendations

• Workshops are conducted to enhance the delegates’ knowledge, competencies, and skills related to civic engagement

• Every delegate, as part of their roundtable team, goes to a federal agency that has interest in their topic. The roundtable team presents their briefing to the federal agency representatives and engages in meaningful dialogue

• State delegations arrange visits to their Congressional delegations to on Capitol Hill. This continues delegates’ experience in developing and sharing their voice with decision makers

• Delegates connect with each other throughout the conference through fun and educational opportunities

• Delegates enjoy a true partnership with roundtable facilitators, the conference leadership team, adult advisors, and federal staff from 4-H National Headquarters and many other agencies.



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