Club News – November 2013

Seaford Blue Jays – Hannah Henderson, Reporter

4h seaford blue jaysOur club has been busy preparing our window display for 4H week to be displayed at our Chamber of Commerce in downtown Seaford. Our theme was “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle/ Cast Away With 4H”. On September 28th, members of our club attended the Sussex County 4H Achievement Event. Shannon Bradley, President of our club, received the Anna Tucker Scholarship and the Links Scholarship. Hannah Henderson received a medal for 1st place in the county archery shoot for the compound intermediate division. This was awarded to her by Dr. Campbell. Also, Brittany Carpenter won 1st place in the 4H Foundation Holiday Greeting Card Contest. The Christmas card will be made available before the holidays. Alyssa Thawley attended “Fall into 4H” at the Boys & Girls club in Seaford on Oct. 4th. A good time was had by all.

Stateline – Harmony Broussard, Reporter

stateline 4-H clubAt our meeting this month we are pumped up for the apple-scrapple this coming weekend! All of us are ready to be selling hot dogs at our booth. We have our new officers, Sarah Bell as our president, Amber Russell as the vice-president, Courtney Eskridge as the secretary, Parker O’Day as the treasurer, Harmony Broussard as the reporter, and Cline Broussard as the photographer. In October our club members are ready to help out with the Manor House Trick-or-Treat events.

Bridgeville Mustangs – Jenna Anger, Reporter

Bridgeville Mustangs 4-H LogoWhat a fabulous meeting the Mustangs held in October! We welcomed new members both traditional and Cloverbud to the club. The night was filled with very informative information from health reporter Rachel Bollinger about the effects of alcohol, a safety report on Halloween safety by Nathaniel Nowell, and a terrific demonstration on terrariums from Jenna Anger. Erin Carey and Brittany Hurd led a really cool game. Hayley Bender taught the club an awesome graphic arts project, which can be entered into the contest in November. Our Cloverbuds decorated pumpkins, did a cute candy corn craft, and worked on public speaking. The announcement came to us that the Mustangs won 1st place in the Window Display Contest. The committee worked very hard on the display and we are very proud of our accomplishment.

This past month the Mustangs helped with cleaning up Bridgeville after the Apple Scrapple Festival and led crafts during Fall into 4-H at the Western Sussex Boys and Girls Club. Our archery project group has been busy practicing at the Mustang Range. The foods group learned about potatoes and made 5 yummy potato dishes. Our club is excited about the Pumpkin Contest and is preparing for the Talent Show at International Foods. Until next month…Happy Halloween!!!

LBHHLord Baltimore Helping Hands – Maggie Ford, Reporter

Lord Baltimore Helping Hands held their October meeting at Derek Jones home. He showed us his horse and talked about care and riding. Club members then all had a turn riding, Kylie Ucman gave a lesson in photography. Club members then took pictures of the horses. Project books were returned and Ms. Carlene complemented all for their hard work. Our next meeting will be Nov.10th where we will be doing a foods workshop and decorating the wreath for Cheer.lord baltimore nov

Clover Knights – Autumn Lenhart, Reporter

Clover Knights 4-H ClubHello fellow 4Hers! Our October meeting was a blast! Mrs. Sylvia and Taylor brought a candy corn fruit salad snack that was delicious and nutritious. Mrs. Noel brought a phenomenal craft, where you take canning rings and make them into pumpkins by tying them together and then fanning them out. We used sticks to make the stems. Some of the rings were donated by Bakers Hardware and Lowes. A big thank you to these shops. Some of our 4-H members gave speeches to persuade us to vote for them to be an officer. I can’t wait to find out who will be elected at our next meeting! After everyone updated on upcoming events, Mr. Bo led some kids outside for makeup archery training. Don’t forget 4-Hers about the fall fun day on Nov. 6th from 9am to 3pm at the Rec center. We’ll be doing project books, crafts, and having lots of fun! Bring your project books, homework, and any other crafts or projects you would like to work on. Snacks and lunch will be provided. See you all at the November 12 meeting.

Cypress Heart and Hands – Jackie Arpie, Reporter

Hope everyone is having a wonderful month, because Cypress Heart and Hands certainly has. We started off with 4-H week and our theme was “4-H in the Big Top” and presented it at the Millsboro Bowling Alley. Whitney, Katelyn, Rebecca and Jackie visited Mrs. Mary and gave her a pedicure and manicure. She absolutely loved it! Coastal Clean-Up was on September 21st and Jackie and Rebecca represented Cypress Heart and Hands and cleaned up Bethany Beach. Fall into 4-H Family Night was on October 4th and Rebecca, Whitney and Jackie attended. Fall Overnighter and the Pumpkin Contest were on October 26-27. Everyone who attended had a spooktacular of a time!

Sussex Jr. Council – Rebecca Arpie, Reporter

Jr. CouncilJunior Council has been really busy planning and preparing for some events. The pumpkin contest/haunted trail was on October 26, where our trail was a huge success. The fall retreat was until the next morning and many of the children had a great time. Officer training is on November 4th so if you hold any officer position, please come to this event. The international dinner is on November 16th, and the deadline for the graphic arts entry is due October 30th.

East Coast 4-H Riding Club, reported by Rita Lofland

4-H East Coast Riding Club logo

The East Coast meeting was called to order by last year’s president, Mikayla Ockels. Pledges were led by Mikayla. Everyone present gave their name and told something about their horse or family. Officers were elected: President, Rebecca Arpie, Vice Presidents, Mikayla Ockels and Whitney Records and Treasurer, Katelyn Records. Mrs. Lofland will be reporting for the club. A review of last year’s events showed that the club was very active. Whitney Records placed 1st in State Horse judging. Mikayla, Haylee Wells and Katelyn have been showing their horses at various local shows. Members attended the Horse Bowl, Horse Expo and Breyer events. A big thank you goes to Annett Farms for the donation to this club. Plans were discussed for the upcoming year. A farm tour is being planned for November at Adandy Farms in Greenwood. We will be seeing National Champion Arabian horses trained by Cathy Vincent. The date and time will be announced soon. Members also want to hold a Breyer Horse show and a painting event in 2014. The first date for the Horse Bowl team practice will be Thursday, November 14, 7:00p.m. at the Carvel center. Anyone interested in participating in the 2014 Horse Bowl in March please try to attend. An invitation was given by the Kent County Hollerin’ Hooves club to participate in their “Groom and Clean” contest. Anyone interested, please contact Mikayla. The 2014 Delaware Horse Expo dates are March 29 and 30. Members plan to attend. Everyone enjoyed an ice cream treat, sponsored by Mrs. Lofland.



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