Club News – October 2013

Don’t see your club  news? It might be in the previous month’s listing. Type in your club name in the search bar, where all mentions of your club will appear!

Seaford Blue Jays – Brittany Carpenter, Reporter

4h seaford blue jaysThe Seaford Blue Jays had an exciting summer. Our members were busy at the fair; Hannah was a participate in the State Archery event, Shannon placed eighth in photography judging & firstin demonstration, Jill won first in speech, and Brittany won first in the Delaware 4-H Foundations greeting card contest. Her artwork will be featured on their Christmas card this year. Way to go girls! As we gear up for a new year in 4-H, we are working on our window display, helping at the Western Sussex Boys & Girls Club 4-H family night event, and planning our upcoming meetings. This month we elected new officers as follow: Activity Director: Brittany Carpenter, Reporter: Hannah Henderson, Treasurer: Alyssa Thawley, Secretary/VP: Jill Koski, and President: Shannon Bradley. This year we will also welcome a new member to our group, Alyssa Carpenter. We are looking forward to an exciting 4-H year.

Bridgeville Mustangs – Jenna Anger, Reporter

Bridgeville Mustangs 4-H LogoThe Bridgeville Mustangs are riding into the new 4-H year in style.  At out September meeting, we elected our new officers for 2013-2014.   All the candidates gave awesome speeches.  Those elected were co-presidents Hayley Bender and Kaitlyn Willin, Treasurer Tanner Lecates, Secretary Meredith Carey, and reporter Jenna Anger.   Carson Williamson gave a super demonstration on archery for the club and we welcomed a lot of new members.  During the elections, Clover buds were hard at work making goo and getting to know each other. Also, I want to give a “Yippee” to our member Paige Vincent for being elected as secretary to Junior Council.

This month we have started working on a rocking window display, participated in Coastal Clean-Up at Fowlers Beach, community service projects– cleaning up flower beds at the church, participated in Community Night Out in Bridgeville & Greenwood, and Pet Appreciation Day at Tractor Supply.  We are planning a fabulous, fun year filled with community service, fair entries, project groups and more.  So, wherever you are look for the Mustangs!!  Until next month, Happy Fall Y’all!!

Clover Knights – Autumn Lenhart, Reporter

Clover Knights 4-H ClubHappy fall everyone! The Clover Knights held their September meeting and we got to meet a lot of new members! Welcome to our club! We worked in groups to come up with what we love about 4-H for our window display. It will be in Baker’s Hardware store in Millsboro. We had a great snack of apple sauce, graham crackers, and apple juice to celebrate this fun and festive month. We will hold elections on the October 8th meeting. We will also be discussing upcoming 4-H events so don’t miss it! Our next meeting will be on Tues., Oct. 8.

Robotics Club – Autumn Lenhart, Reporter

Hello fellow 4-Her’s! At our first September meeting we got familiar with and explored the kits. It was great seeing so many of you there! We had so much fun building robots nobody wanted to leave. Can’t wait to see everyone on Fri., Oct. 11!  We will be learning about more exciting robotics technology. If you need information check out our blog or email Chris at

Dublin Hill – Alanna Vanderwende, Reporter

Dublin Hill 4-HThe September meeting of the Dublin hill 4-H was called to order by Sydney James. Briana James led the Pledge of Allegiance, and Laurie Beth Wroten lead the 4-H pledge. Alanna Vanderwende and Alex Nechay lead the songs. Shawn Mitchell gave the treasurers report. It was also approved. On Sept. 21 we had Coastal Cleanup. We set a meeting to discuss window displays at Mrs. Mitchell’s house. Our next meeting is Oct. 17, and we are going to make care packages for former 4-H members who are serving overseas. At the end of the meeting, we introduced our new officers for this year. Our new officers are presidents- Sydney James and Emma Rider; vice presidents-Laurie Beth Wroten and Erryn Smith; treasurer- Taylor Wroten; secretary- Shawn Mitchell; reporters-Alex Nechay and Alanna Vanderwende;  and song leaders Gabriella Morra, Matison Smith, and Aydan Vanderwende.

 East Coast Riding Club – Rita Lofland

4-H East Coast Riding Club logoEast Coast 4-H Riding Club will hold their first meeting of the New Year Thurs., Oct.24, 7 p.m. at Carvel.  We will elect officers, discuss Horse Bowlteams, and plan our New Year activities.  Everyone is welcome – you do not have to own a horse!


Sussex County Jr. Council – Rebecca Arpie, Reporter

Jr. CouncilJunior council has been really busy planning and putting together this years’ Fall Retreat.  We have an exciting idea and we think you will all enjoy it.  Congratulations to Dustin Waller and Caleb Kirk who attended and placed in the National 4-H Engineering Event which was held at Perdue University.  As a reminder, the paper clover fundraiser will be held at Tractor Supply Co.  Junior Council will be there Friday, October 18th, where we will be doing a craft and handing out information.  Hope we can see you at the upcoming events.

[Editors Note: 4-H reporters are youth who are elected as club officers at the beginning of the year, and are encouraged to write and submit their 4-H club news. Reporting reinforces leadership and writing skills; 4-H club news reports are posted in the order in which they are received and we endeavor to publish the reports as written with minimal editing.]

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