As the State 4-H Volunteer Coordinator, it is my pleasure to provide training opportunities for you as adult leaders to enhance the experience 4-H children have in our unique program. This fall, I will be coordinating a training session called Stewards of Children that will be held at the Carvel Research and Education Center. All of us on the 4-H staff have gone through the training and while it is by no means mandatory, we feel it important to offer this opportunity to as many members of the 4-H family as possible.
As adults, we are responsible for the safety of our children. It’s important to teach children how to recognize and avoid risky situations, but it’s unrealistic to think that a child can fend off sexual advances by an adult. Fortunately, we can protect them – by insisting on prevention policies in our youth serving organizations, by recognizing signs of sexual abuse, and by confronting and stopping abuse if it occurs.
What is Stewards of Children?
- A program that addresses child sexual abuse in the context of today’s issues.
- A program that features a combination of survivor stories, expert advice, and practical guidance.
- A program that shows you how a simple, 5-step approach can protect the children you love from sexual abuse.
What will I learn from taking Stewards of Children?
- You’ll learn The 5 Steps to Protecting our Children TM, and how they can be applied to keep kids safe.
- You’ll learn how a few simple actions can have far-reaching positive effects.
- You’ll leave with the understanding that child sexual abuse can be prevented, it can be stopped, and it can be overcome.
Please join me on November 13 from 6 -9 p.m. (dinner will be provided) for this important training that will help you and the children you work with, continue to make the best better. You can register by calling to confirm your attendance with Tammy Schirmer in the Sussex County 4-H Office.
~Ernie Lopez
State 4-H Volunteer Coordinator
College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
302-856-2585 x561