Equine News

Saddle up with 4-H!

The annual State 4-H Trail Ride at Redden Forest will be held on October 6, 2013 at the Headquarters tract with the ride off occurring at 10 am.  This is a fun family event with riders of all ages and experience level.  There will be some volunteer walkers as well to assist our less experienced riders if needed.  Following the trail ride there will be a picnic in the pavilion beginning at 11:30 am.  ASTM/SEI hard hats are required for all riders.  For more information please see the flyer posted on the State 4-H Animal Science webpage http://ag.udel.edu/extension/4h/animalscience.html  To RSVP, please contact Susan Garey at (302)730-4000 or truehart@udel.edu no later than October 3rd.

Equine Health Short Course

The University of Delaware Cooperative Extension is excited to offer a three-evening educational series this fall on topics related to equine health and wellness.  All three sessions will be held at the Paradee Center, Kent County Extension Office in Dover, Delaware from 6:30-8:30 pm.  A registration fee and advanced registration will be required.  Light refreshments and take home materials will be included as part of the registration fee.  This short course would be appropriate for older 4-H members, horse projects leaders and parents.

Night 1 on Wednesday, November 6 will focus around the theme of “Foundations of Equine Health” and will cover topics such as anatomy and physiology (cardiovascular, respiratory and digestive systems) and physical examination of the horse and vital signs.

Night 2 on Thursday, November 14 will focus around the theme of “Economical Veterinary Care and Lameness in Horses” and feature a special guest speaker, Dr. Michael Fugaro, VMD Professor and Staff Veterinarian, Centenary College.

Night 3 on Wednesday, November 20 will focus around the theme of “Digestive Health” and will cover topics such as colic and gastric ulcers in horses.

You may attend just one or all three of the sessions.  For more information please contact Susan Garey at (302)730-4000 or truehart@udel.edu or Dr. Carissa Wickens at cwickens@udel.edu.

If you have special needs that need to be accommodated, please contact the office two weeks prior to the event.

Equine Blog

You may not know it but the University of Delaware Cooperative Extension maintains an equine blog.  This blog includes information on current equine news, upcoming events, 4-H related equine programs and results, topical fact sheets and management tips.  Please visit it frequently and feel free to share your feelings on what would make it more useful to you!  The equine blog can be found at http://sites.udel.edu/equine/

And the Winner Is… Delaware 4-H Horse of the Year

A committee of horse people, teachers, horse advisory members and extension staff that were unaffiliated with applicants reviewed and scored the 12 excellent entries that were submitted to recognize the 2013 Delaware 4-H Horse of the Year.  Applicants were asked to write on the subject of “My horse/pony has made my life and/or the lives of others BETTER by……” A scoring rubic was utilized by the committee that took into account meeting the essay requirements, ideas and content, grammar and spelling and sentimental and emotional value.

The winning essay was submitted by Christie Little of the Holler-N-Hooves 4-H Club in Kent County.  Here is just a short excerpt from her winning essay titled, ” Horse of the Year? No, Horse of A Lifetime”

 …” I continued to take lessons on Missy.  Our relationship was as strong as always but she was beginning to respect me more.  In fact, I was beginning to respect me more.  I became the leader of our partnership and my confidence began to grow, not just in the ring, but also in the classroom.  I got over my shyness and became more outgoing.  My entire self-image did a 180 because of one special pony.  I no longer had trouble raising my hand in class or reading aloud.  It is amazing how my teacher from the barn helped with my teacher in the school”…..

Christie will be presented with a custom made model of her pony Missy at the Kent County 4-H Achievement banquet in October generously created and donated by Peter Stone Model Horses.  For more information on the Peter Stone Model Horse Company please visit http://www.stonehorses.com/

Please keep your eye out next month for the nomination form and topic for the 2014 Delaware 4-H Horse/Pony of the Year!

Horse Bowl Already??

The Delaware 4-H Horse Advisory Committee has made some additions to the resources list for the 2014 Delaware 4-H Horse Bowl Contest.  New in 2014, the National 4-H Council educational resources titled “Horse Science” and “Horses and Horsemanship” will be used to develop horse bowl questions in addition to the resources utilized in the past.  Both books are packed full of information and are reasonably priced at $4.50 each.  They are currently in stock and can be ordered online through the 4-H Mall by clicking on this link http://www.4hmall.org/Category/educationalresources.aspx.

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