Club News – September 2013

Sussex County 4-H Junior Council  – reported by Rebecca Arpie

Sussex County 4-H Junior CouncilHello everyone, it has been a long time since our last meeting.  I would like to announce our new Junior Council board.

President: Jackie Arpie
Vice President: Jonah Vincent
Co. Vice President: Kimberlyn Scott
Secretary: Paige Vincent
Reporter: Rebecca Arpie
Treasurer: Ike Wharton
Co. Treasurer: Shannon Bradley

Congratulations to all those who were elected for office, and we are looking forward to all these upcoming events.

Robotics Clubreported by Autumn Lenhart

Save the date! Our first Robotics Club meeting Friday, September 13 at our new location at the old REC. The Robotics Club will now meet on the second and fourth  Friday of every month. It is open to all Cloverbuds and 4-H members of all clubs. Our goals for this year are to complete a project book, build a robotic display for the state fair, and to enter into robotic competitions. Our number one goal is to have fun. So if you like erector sets, Legos, and robots come check us out! Our blog is  If you have any questions please contact Christopher Lenhart at 302-258-8969 or

Clover Knightsreported by Autumn Lenhart

Clover Knights 4-H ClubThe Clover Knights have adopted a highway! The sign is up on Waller Road! We are responsible for Waller Road from Old Furnace road to Asbury Rd to Route 9 (two miles). We will meet at Mr. Bo’s house, for our first cleanup, on Sat.,Sept. 21, at 2 p.m. Call Mr. Bo if you need directions. At our last meeting of the 4-h year, Mr. Bo announced all the winners at the State Fair, the Clover Knights were well represented! We enjoyed creating our own sundaes. They were delicious. Thank you to Mrs. Sylvia and Taylor for a great selection of toppings gummy bears, sprinkles, bananas, marshmallows, and fudge. We also went to the Master Garden where we picked corn that we had planted in the spring. Our meeting days are changing to the secondTuesday of each month. Our next meeting is on Sept. 10, so be sure to invite a friend and bring your window display ideas.

Seaford Blue Jaysreported by Brittany Carpenter

4h seaford blue jaysThe Seaford Blue Jays had an exciting summer. Our members were busy at the fair; Hannah was a participate in the State Archery event, Shannon placed 8th in photography judging & First Place in demonstration, Jill won First Place in speech, and Brittany won First Place in the Delaware 4-H Foundations greeting card contest. Her artwork will be featured on their Christmas card this year. Way to go girls! As we gear up for a new year in 4-H, we are working on our window display, helping at the Western Sussex Boys & Girls Club 4-H family night event, and planning our upcoming meetings. This month we elected new officers as follow: Activity Director: Brittany Carpenter, Reporter: Hannah Henderson, Treasurer: Alyssa Thawley, Secretary/VP: Jill Koski, and President: Shannon Bradley. This year we will also welcome a new member to our group, Alyssa Carpenter. We are looking forward to an exciting 4-H year.

Dublin Hill reported by Alana Vanderwende

Dublin Hill 4-HThe September meeting of the Dublin Hill 4-H was called to order by Sydney James. Briana James led the Pledge of Allegiance, and Laurie Beth Wroten lead the 4-H pledge. Alanna Vanderwende  and Alex Nechay lead the songs. Shawn Mitchell gave the treasurers report. It was also approved. On Sept. 21 we have coastal cleanup. We set a meeting to discuss window displays at Mrs. Mitchell’s house. Our next meeting is Oct. 17 and we are going to make care packages for former 4-H members who are serving overseas. At the end of the meeting, we introduced our new officers for this year. Our new officers are Presidents- Sydney James and Emma Rider; Vice Presidents-Laurie Beth Wroten and Erryn Smith; Treasurer- Taylor Wroten; Secretary- Shawn Mitchell; Reporters-Alex Nechay and Alanna Vanderwende;  and Song Leaders Gabriella Morra, Matison Smith, and Aydan Vanderwende.

Cypress Hearts & Hands – reported by Jackie Arpie

Welcome back friends and family! I hope you guys have had a wonderful summer, now it’s time for 4-H season. In Cypress Heart and Hands we’ve elected our new officers:

  • President- Whitney Records
  • Vice President- Haylee Wells
  • Secretary- Rebecca Arpie
  • Treasurer- Katelyn Records
  • Reporter- Jackie Arpie

Whitney started off the meeting by introducing each other to our new members, hope they feel welcomed. Everyone in our club decided to do a window display and also participate in the Christmas parades (committees will be on a later date). We also decided to have our annual Bowling Fundraiser (committee will be on a later date). You’ll also see us at the Family Fun Night on Oct. 4. On Sept. 17 we are going to Atlantic Shores for our monthly visit, this month we will be doing Bingo. Congratulations to our new officers and we’ll see y’all at upcoming events!

[Editors Note: 4-H reporters are youth who are elected as club officers at the beginning of the year, and are encouraged to write and submit their 4-H club news. Reporting reinforces leadership and writing skills; 4-H club news reports are posted in the order in which they are received and we endeavor to publish the reports as written with minimal editing.]

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