Letter from the 4-H Office – June/July 2013

Dear 4-H Member, Leader, and Parent:

Thought we’d try something different  – feature a cover photo on our newsletter!  Tell us in three or four sentences what the picture is about. This will be our photo of the month! Here are the categories:

  • Community Service. Featuring a key component of 4-H membership. Remember to wear 4-H apparel!
  • Leadership/Citizenship. Youth or Adult. Share a photo that embodies what 4-H leadership means to you
  • Learning a Life Skill. We learn by doing, from our volunteers and from others. What life skill have you learned recently?
  • A blast from the past!   Share a memorable 4-H photo from 5, 10, 15 years ago…or, how far back can you go?  Leaders, any pictures of you as young 4-H’ers? It might be time to share! Make us guess who you are or what the event was!

Send photos to Tammys@udel.edu.  We can instantly scan older photos in the 4-H office.

We chose this photo this month as it represents so many wonderful things about 4-H. It pays tribute to our volunteer adults who spend hours and days planning and then teaching projects and life skills. Read more about what Clyde Mellin is doing on page 8. This wood science project went beyond just making something for the Fair.  It fostered teamwork between youth, also youth and adult. Mother-daughter, father-son, grandfather-granddaughter, leader - 4-H’er. Building projects and building bonds!
We chose this photo this month as it represents so many wonderful things about 4-H. It pays tribute to our volunteer adults who spend hours and days planning and then teaching projects and life skills. Read more about what Clyde Mellin is doing on page 8.
This wood science project went beyond just making something for the Fair. It fostered teamwork between youth, also youth and adult. Mother-daughter, father-son, grandfather-granddaughter, leader – 4-H’er. Building projects and building bonds!


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