2013 Demonstration Contest

The 4-H community is invited to attend the 2013 Sussex County 4-H Demonstration Contests. Attending the contest is a good way to expose and introduce the contest, so that in the future, 4-H’ers might consider participating as an individual or team contestant.

  • Wednesday,May 15 2013,  4-8  p.m., at the Carvel Center
  • Thursday, May 16, 2013,  4-8  p.m., at the Carvel Center

A Make Up Demonstration Contest has been scheduled for Wed. May 29.  Click here for information, categories and times available and to register online.

Demonstrations or Illustrated Talks are the 4-H version of the classic “Show and Tell” presentations. Participation in a county demonstration contest helps 4-H youth gain poise and confidence when talking in front of a group of people.  Participants use examples, props, posters, computer presentations and may consult notes when delivering a talk. Demonstrations may be by an individual or two 4-H’ers may team up for their presentation. Demonstrators learn by researching a category subject and by planning visuals to enhance their talk. Participants are prepared to receive questions from judges or from the audience. Winners of the county contest are eligible to compete at the state level during the Delaware State Fair.

Wednesday’s May 15 schedule (CARVEL MR 2):
4:00 Joshua Board
4:15 Jenna Anger
4:30 Matthew/James Rieley
4:45 Alanna/Aydan Vanderwende
5:00 David Magee
6:15 Gerald Carroll

Thursday, May 16 schedule (CARVEL MR 2):
4:00 Bethany Killmon
4:15 Taylor/Laurie Wroten
4:30 Elise Goehringer
5:00 Shannon Bradley
5:30 Tanner LeCates  (MR 2)
6:15 Ryan Cummings  (MR 3)
6:30 Kyle Morris/Daniel Tull




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