2013 Clothing & Textile Judging Results

8652673821_b6a8906de5_z 8652673015_3feef6ab3c_z 4-H Clothing and Textile Judging 4-H Clothing and Textile JudgingDo our 4-H’ers know the tools of the sewing trades? The different parts of a pattern. What makes a garment better constructed than another? What textile purchase, such as a beach towel, is the better buy?

Clothing and Textile Judging at the beginner and senior levels challenge members to use and develop their critical thinking skills. Excellent judging comprises  good consumer skills, and a critical, careful eye! Seniors provided oral reasons to a judge for their placement orders. Oral reasons will be required for senior levels during the state level contests at the Delaware State Fair

Thanks to Carlene Jones, Teresa Scott and Michele Walfred for moderating this contest.

Winners of the 2013 Clothing and Textiles Sussex County 4-H Judging Contest:


  1. Abigail Krams, Cypress Heart & Hands
  2. Holly Anderson, Hollymount
  3. Lizzy Krams, Cypress Heart & Hands


  1. Kimberlyn Scott, Independent
  2. Angela Lagano, Country Clovers
  3. Mary Catherine Lagano, Country Clovers
  4. Connor Vincent, Bridgeville Mustangs
  5. Maggie Durig, Seaford Blue Jays
  6. Rebecca Arpie, Cypress Heart & Hands
  7. Paige Vincent, Bridgeville Mustangs
  8. Jackie Arpie, Cypress Heart & Hands




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