Winter Fun Day -2013

On Sat. Jan. 19,  thirty-nine enthusiastic 4-H members participated in the annual Winter Fun Day at the Elbert N. & Ann V. Carvel Research and Education Center.  Participants visited five project area stations, gained some new knowledge and had fun!

4-H arts and craft
Hunter Murray helps a young 4-H member put the finishing touches on a snowman window hanging

2013 was the year of the snowman!    At the Community Service Station members made a snowman tray favor for a local nursing home.  The Arts & Craft Station workers instructed the group in making an adorable snowman which can be entered at the Delaware State Fair in July.  The Environmental Station recycled, and reused items to make a snowman bookmark.  At the Foods & Nutrition Station youth enjoyed a nutritious snack and learned about My Plate Guidelines and the importance of selecting healthy food choices.  At the Health & Fitness Station everyone had fun playing Fitness Skillastics.   While the children were busy with the Winter Fun Day activities, parents visited the Favorite Foods Displays and learned about table settings, recipes, menus, how to complete the entry forms and the  Foods & Nutrition Judging Contest.

 Winter Fun Day is sponsored by the Sussex 4-H Order of Links. 

Visit the Sussex 4-H Photo gallery and see the group in action: Or visit the slide show at the end of this page.

Special thanks to :  Winter Fun Day Chairperson:  Kathy Carlisle, Link President & Emcee:  Aaron Jackson,  Registration:  Jean Ellen Hitchens, Community Service Station:  Jean Wilson, Jimmy Kucharzyk, Angela Lagano, Dustin Waller, , Arts & Crafts Station:  Melissa Mitchell, Colleen Anderson, Rebecca Arpie, Maggie Durig; Foods & Nutrition:  Becky Vanderwende, Meredith Carey,  Hannah Mayhorn, Whitney Records; Health & Fitness:  Pam Eskridge, Holly Anderson, Shawn Mitchell, Hunter Murray, Environmental:  Donna Mowbray, Joe Anderson, Mary Catherine Lagano, Travis Waller; Favorite Foods Stations:

Sharon Anderson, Carole Vincent, Mary Argo, Rebecca Arpie, Amanda Kucharzyk; Photographer:  Michele Walfred, Behind the scenes: Tammy Schirmer, Rita Lofland, Jill Jackson, Bo Waller.

Snowman tray favors were delivered to the Harrison House Nursing Home in Georgetown.Residents were excited and look forward to displaying the snowmen in their rooms throughout the winter season.

Group photo of young 4-H members
Young 4-H members ready to go home with their decorated bags and hand made crafts! Thanks to 4-H Links and 4-H Junior Council volunteers for making such a great day! See you in 2014!

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