Salute to Excellence – 2013 Sussex County honorees

Salute to Excellence– 2013 4-H Sussex County Outstanding Lifetime Volunteer

Aa Sussex 4-H leader for 32 years and Link member 29 years, Debbie continues to volunteer teaching expert Textile and Clothing skills. Debbie has presented at numerous Delaware State Leader Forums, and was honored at the 2013 forum.

Deborah Vanderwende was selected Sussex County 2013 Salute to Excellence Lifetime Volunteer.  Debbie has been a Sussex 4-H leader for the 32 years and Link member 29 years.  She began her leader involvement with the Dublin Hill 4-H Club and later became County Clothing & Textile leader. Many youth have gained knowledge and skills in sewing thanks to Debbie’s sewing workshops and guiding hand!  Adults and leaders have also been the benefactors of her talents. She has taught sewing and craft workshops at state and Northeast Leader Forums since 1996.   Debbie willingly volunteers her time and talent to these projects.  Her enthusiasm is contagious!

4-H’ers have also benefited from her expertise in Sheep and Arts & Crafts.  Debbie is a member of the Delaware State Fair Board and involved in all sheep shows and activities and the Pretty Animal Contest.  Her arts and crafts can be seen at local craft shows such as Christmas in Bridgeville.   Other Sussex County leadership include:   Ski Trip Coordinator and chaperone, Exchange Trip program, Younger Member Weekend Chaperone, project record judge, and Fashion Revue Judge for both Sussex and Kent County.  Debbie also finds time to serve as a judge in the state fair 4-H department!

Debbie and husband Doug are poultry producers and Debbie coaches track at the Woodbridge High School. In her spare time Debbie sews, quilts, travels and attends sheep shows.

At the awards presentation Debbie stated:  “I have been involved in Delaware 4-H since the Jim Baker era.  How many here remember Jim Baker?  Mr. Baker even introduced me to my husband so I have been part of Delaware 4-H for a long time!”

We are pleased Debbie has been part of the Sussex 4-H family for 32 years and congratulate Deborah Vanderwende, 2013 Salute to Excellence Lifetime Volunteer.

Salute to Excellence– 2013 Sussex and Delaware 4-H Outstanding Volunteer of the Year

Heather with her mother Mary Argo
Heather Smith is the daughter of our own 4-H agent Mary Argo, who joined Heather for this year’s 4-H Leader Forum

Heather Marie Smith was selected Sussex County 2013 Salute to Excellence Volunteer of the Year Award.  Heather has been a Sussex County 4-H leader for seven years, 4-H member 14 years and a member of the Sussex Order of the Links for 18years.   She has embraced each of these roles with enthusiasm, dedication and love of learning!  It is a privilege to work closely with her on committees, events and see her in action in her local 4-H community.  Her ability to organize, get things done, and her calm welcoming demeanor make her an asset to 4-H!

Heather was instrumental in organizing the Banneker Bulldogs Cloverbud Club for the five to seven year old Milford 4-H members.  After four years the Cloverbud club and Banneker Bulldog Club merged as one club.  This past fall the members voted to change the club name to Milford 4-H.  Club volunteer leaders have doubled club enrollment, increased community service and community visibility.

Heather is the first to show up for 4-H meetings, trainings, events or work sessions and often the last to leave because while many are busy socializing, Heather is busy helping clean up, organizing and offering assistance for the next project.  Heather is an excellent role model and has created strong youth /adult partnerships.   Club members are taught the can do, let’s give it a try attitude and this has led to new experiences for the group:  Horse Bowl, Avian Bowl, judging contests, window displays and community service projects.   Heather is respected by youth countywide and her peers.  She has assisted counselors at day camp, younger member weekend and officers training, served as Favorite Foods Judge, Project Record Judge and Horse Bowl Coach.  This respect and her leadership skills have led to elected leadership in the Leaders’ Association for six years.   Heather is treasurer of the Association.  She is on time, on task and on target.

Open to new ideas Heather attended state leader forums each of her seven leader years, and the Delaware Northeast Leaders Regional Conference in 2010.  She encourages club members to attend project judging training and county project workshops.   Often the Smith family transport club members to the event.  Her willingness to make all 4-H’ers feel at ease and included and her desire to see youth set goals and grow creates an exciting and inviting environment for members. She has opened her home to club meetings, and project activities.  Heather also values others who have served 4-H and provided youth opportunities. She attended and supported the Delaware Hall of Fame.  Heather supports 4-H fundraising initiatives as well and works each event.   She can be found serving food at the Horse Show, Delaware State Fair Farm Bureau Booth, and NASCAR Hospitality Tent, and provides silent auction items for the Exchange Trip Program fundraiser.   She is a Horse Show trophy sponsor and judging contest sponsor.

Heather teaches third grade at Benjamin Banneker Elementary School, is a 31 consultant, the mother of three active 4-H children, ages 6, 9 and 12, and involved in the youth community athletic programs.  She began her involvement in 4-H in her grandmother’s 4-H club, the Broadkill Kool Kats, and now shares her values, experiences and great opportunities with her own 4-H club.

At the awards presentation Heather stated:  “I had four older siblings who were active in 4-H so I was attending 4-H events at an early age.  I couldn’t wait to be old enough to join!   4-H helped me select my career path, education, and made me the person I am today.”

Patient, creative, organized and innovative, Heather Marie Smith we congratulate you as 2013 Salute to Excellence Outstanding Volunteer of the Year.   Heather was also selected Delaware Salute to Excellence Outstanding Volunteer of the Year.



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