Sexual and Reproductive Health Services

Sexual and Reproductive Health Services
Sexual and Reproductive Health Services at Student Health Services (SHS) encompasses health concerns related to the sexual and reproductive organs and systems of the body. This may include the breasts, pelvis, uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, cervix, vagina, bladder, penis, testicles, prostate and groin. Sexual and Reproductive Health is an important aspect of health and wellbeing regardless of sexual activity.
Inclusivity and Privacy
These services are inclusive and welcoming to students of all genders, gender identities, sexual orientations, religious, racial, ethnic and cultural backgrounds. SHS is committed to providing access to care in a comfortable environment and removing barriers to care. These services are provided discreetly by various providers throughout Student Health. When you arrive for an appointment, you will have access to central waiting rooms on both the first and second floors, and there is no signage indicating Sexual and Reproductive Health Services to provide privacy during your visit.
If you have any questions about scheduling or services, please send a secure message to the Sexual and Reproductive Health team via the “Messages” section of the UD Health Portal.
Student Health Services
Laurel Hall, 2nd Floor
282 The Green
Fall and Spring Semester Hours
By appointment:
Monday: 8:30 a.m.–5 p.m.
Tuesday: 9:30 a.m.–5 p.m.
Wednesday: 8:30 a.m.–5 p.m.
Thursday: 9:30 a.m.–5 p.m.
Friday: 8:30 a.m.–5 p.m.
Closed noon–1 p.m. daily.
Our Sexual and Reproductive Health Services
Learn about our new Wellbeing Vending Machine!
Located in the Perkins Student Center
Free Menstrual Product Dispenser Locations
View a map of UD campus restrooms with free pads, tampons and liners for those who need them.
There are free products located in women's bathrooms and gender inclusive bathrooms to accommodate all people who menstruate.
Zoom out to view dispensers locations on the satellite campuses:
- Wilmington Campus: Community Education Building, gender-inclusive restroom (913)
- Dover Campus: Education and Technology Building, UD Academic Center table (Room 759)
- Georgetown Campus: Jason Technology Center, near the UD Academic Center bulletin board
- Lewes Campus: Cannon Laboratory, first and second floor women's restrooms

Gender-inclusive restrooms

Women's restrooms

Table or office
Sexual and Reproductive Health Concerns
Appointments can be scheduled with providers to evaluate common sexual, reproductive and urinary health concerns:
- Urinary problems
- Vaginal symptoms
- Testicular pain / lump
- Genital discharge
- Genital rashes
- Menstrual problems
- Yeast, fungal or bacterial infections
- Erectile dysfunction
- Epididymitis
- Genital Warts / Molluscum - Cryotherapy for wart treatment
- Fertility concerns
Appointments are available with gynecologists and nurse practitioners who specialize in gynecologic care:
- Routine annual exams
- Pelvic exams
- Cervical cancer screening (pap smears) and management of abnormal pap smears including colposcopy when indicated
- Breast / chest concerns
- Vaginal symptoms
- Menstrual issues
- Pelvic pain
- Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
- Sexual concerns
- Fertility concerns
- Bacterial vaginosis
- Yeast infections
If you've had an annual exam, breast or chest exam, pap smear or STI testing at another facility in the last 12 months, you may request that copies of these records be sent to SHS by the provider that did the exam. Records can be uploaded through the UD Health Portal, sent by fax at 302-831-8699, dropped off in person at Student Health Services or sent by mail:
ATTN: Medical Services, 2nd Floor
Laurel Hall, 282 The Green
Newark, DE 19716
Over-the-counter anti-fungal medication to treat yeast infections is available at the Dispensary. If you have never been diagnosed with a yeast infection before, we encourage you to be examined for a correct diagnosis. It is helpful when evaluating a patient for vaginal symptoms if the patient has not used any antifungal vaginal medication for at least 48 hours and is not currently menstruating.
STI Testing and Treatment
We offer testing and treatment for STIs in addition to education about STI prevention.
When indicated, testing or clinical evaluation is available for the following STIs:
- Chlamydia
- Gonorrhea
- Trichomonas
- Syphilis
- Herpes
- Genital Warts
- Hepatitis
- Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
- Pubic Lice
If you have been contacted about being exposed to an STI, please call the office at 302-831-2226, option 2 for an appointment since same-day or next day appointments may not always be available through online booking.
Preventative Care
Student Health offers preventive care and health education for STIs and other sexual and reproductive health concerns:
- PrEP (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis) - Medication that can be taken to prevent HIV infection if exposed in the future
- PEP (Post-Exposure Prophylaxis) - Medication that can be taken after a possible HIV exposure to prevent HIV infection. PEP is most effective when given within 72 hours of possible exposure
- Vaccines:
- HPV (Gardasil) - helps lower the risk of cervical, vulvar, penile, anal and head and neck cancers and genital warts
- Hepatitis A vaccine
- Hepatitis B vaccine
Pregnancy Testing and Counseling
If your period is late, you can schedule an appointment for pregnancy testing. Come prepared to provide a urine sample.
Pregnancy tests are also available for purchase in the Medical Dispensary.
Counseling appointments are available regarding all pregnancy options and alternatives and referrals to local OB care. Pregnancy options are provided in a non-judgmental way so you can receive referrals to care that are appropriate for your needs.
Contraceptive Options
SHS offers appointments for a wide variety of contraceptive options:
- Oral birth control pills
- Depo Provera injections
- Monthly and yearly rings
- Patches
- IUDs: Mirena, Kyleena, Liletta, Paragard
- Nexplanon
- Phexxi
- Diaphragms
Some contraceptive methods are available at our Dispensary located at Student Health Services. We have some options that can be purchased out of pocket.
Schedule an appointment with one of our providers to find the contraceptive option that is right for you. An annual/pelvic exam is recommended, but not mandatory, to receive most contraception. If you would like an IUD, an annual/pelvic exam is required.
If you already take an oral contraceptive prescribed by SHS and you need a prescription renewal, please schedule an appointment. If your current prescription will run out before your appointment, call SHS and we can arrange for you to pick up a one-month supply prior to your appointment.
Prescriptions for oral contraceptives and Depo Provera from non-Student Health providers cannot be filled at the SHS Dispensary. If you would like to fill your contraceptive prescription at the Dispensary, please schedule an appointment with a Student Health provider to order your prescription.
Emergency Contraception
Both over-the-counter and prescription emergency contraception is available at the SHS Dispensary at low cost. Over-the-counter emergency contraception can also be purchased at local pharmacies. Emergency contraception is most effective if taken within 72 hours, but can be taken up to 120 hours, after unprotected sex. If you have concerns, questions or are interested in prescription emergency contraception, please make an appointment.
LGBTQ+ Health
Student Health Services (SHS) is committed to providing students of all genders, gender identities and sexual orientations with a safe space to access healthcare that meets their individual needs. See LGBTQ+ Health for more information about services at SHS. If you have any questions or concerns about scheduling care, you can contact the LGBTQ+ Health Ally Team via message on the UD Health Portal. They can assist you with scheduling appointments at SHS or provide referrals to LGBTQ+ friendly services both on and off campus.
Sexual Assault and Intimate Partner Violence
If you have experienced sexual violence or intimate partner violence, call 911 or go to the Emergency Department for evaluation. The emergency department at Christiana Care has Forensic Nurse Examiners who are specially trained to provide care after a sexual assault or rape occurs including assessment and treatment of injuries and STI exposures, emotional and crisis support, collection of evidence and legal documentation, and testifying in court. Many of these services need to be initiated quickly after a rape or sexual assault occurs and the ER provides rapid access to comprehensive care.
SHS can provide follow-up STI testing and treatment, and referrals to resources on or off campus:
- Victim Support Services and Support of Survivors Peer Educators.
- 24/7 virtual mental health support through the TimelyCare app.