Fire Emblem Thracia 776: A Hard Mix of Brilliant and Grueling

September 22nd, 2022

A Return to Form and Then Some

Leif’s growth rates, from the Fire Emblem fandom page

Homer, and the free Stamina Drink he comes with during Chapter 14

If a unit has a higher CON stat than the enemy (or is mounted), they have the option to try and capture the enemy instead. You’ll have reduced stats when fighting, making it a riskier option, but you can help yourself to all of their items if successful. Wimpier units will just have plain old spears and swords, but more powerful enemies can have things like late-game weapons, Skill Manuals, and in a few cases, Crusader Scrolls. Money and weapon variety will be very tight for a majority of the game, making capturing an invaluable option. It’s also just plain funny to release a boss and read them go “…Why?”

Most bosses have unique dialogue when released, which is a fun little bonus

A Challenge, A Breeze, and Everything In-Between

The first chapter’s boss, and their extreme defense difference

The prison escape arc spanning Chapters 4–7 has some of the most widely loathed maps due to how…naked you feel. In Chapter 4 you barely have any items or units, so sometimes the game will just kill a person and you can’t do much about it. Chapter 4x has fog of war and is littered with strong enemies. Chapter 6 is great in its own right, but not knowing about certain reinforcements can screw you over. Chapter 7 is another one with a slight trick where killing the head honcho makes everyone flee, while letting them live has backup appear in droves. Unfortunately, I was stupid.

For better or for worse, I didn’t restart to undo my mistake

Chapter 19’s map, from Fire Emblem WOD

Insightful dialogue from Marty, moments before he died on the next turn

Nap time

I could go for hours. That said, I hope this painted a clear picture of why Thracia 776 can be so polarizing. Overall there is definitely more good than bad, but the bad can leave a very bitter taste in your mouth before you can even get to the grand finale. If you do decide to play it, my advice is to look at a guide to check recruitments and see if there’s some hidden trap, then make up your own strategy. While that mitigates some of the challenge from reinforcements, you can really tell the game went back-and-forth for years from the odd difficulty spikes.

Juggling Stories in Jugdral

This is one of two sets of dialogue he has, the other being if you skip his Chapter and don’t recruit him at all

Closing Thoughts