Maps & Other Misc. Artwork

This is a gallery of sorts for any and all of the artwork I’ve made, with a few details giving context to their creation. At the moment it’s just one major map for my Dungeons & Dragons campaign, with another being in the works. If I happen to draw or create anything else, it will be put here.

Acomewp - Year 500

The original map I made for my first Dungeons & Dragons campaign in June of 2021. Set in a fictional universe during the year 500, it was designed by sending a near-blank image to friends and letting them sketch one small thing at a time, then completely reimagined from scratch using the online map creator Inkarnate.

Acomewp - Year 500 (no text)

A slight rework of the original map, but without the text.

Acomewp - Year 502

A tweaked version of the original Year 500 map to convey what happened during a 2-year time-skip. There was a decent bit of expansion from certain nations, along with the replacement of Skefalls with Ocuria after a slight accident.

Sketch 1

The original set of sketches used to create the map above. A lot of people thought this was supposed to be a creature since I gave minimal context, which made for an interesting canvas to work with. I probably won’t do this strategy again.

Sketch 2

Sketch 3

Sketch 4

Sketch 5

Sketch 6

Sketch 7

Sketch 8

Sketch 9

Sketch 10

Sketch 11

A gif showcasing the evolution of the map sketch