Samuel Lee, PT, MPT, PhD
Samuel Lee, PT, MPT, PhD
Pediatric Mobility Studies
Research Goal: To improve the physical function of children with Cerebral Palsy (CP) by developing training approaches and technologies to enhance strength, fitness and participation.
To learn more about Dr. Lee’s current research studies and projects, please contact:
Samuel Lee
Office: 302-831-2450
FES-Assisted Cycling to Improve Fitness and Strength in Children with CP (NIH R01HD062588)
- Investigating the effectiveness of functional electrical stimulation to assist children with CP to cycle more vigorously and with greater efficacy to produce strength, fitness and motor control gains.
FES to Improve Crouch Gait in CP (Shriners #71011-PHI)
- Developing a wearable functional electrical stimulation system to improve crouch gait in children with CP. This type of FES could create immediate changes in gait quality and be used as a training modality to produce long-term changes in gait.
Sensor Fusion for Balance Control in Children with CP (Shriners grant)
- Quantifying the somatosensory (visual, vestibular and proprioceptive senses) deficits in children with CP and how such deficits affect balance.
- Also, examining the effectiveness of a special type of electrical stimulation to improve sensory function and balance in children with CP.