Dates and times:
Today: Wednesday, June 1, 10:20 a.m. – 12 noon
This session continues tomorrow: Thursday, June 2, 10:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Location: 218 Gore Hall

Special note: This session requires an additional registration.  Registrants will be provided with a list of apps to install before the session.

This session will be continued on June 2.

The mobile photo safari is designed to encourage the use of your own photography for course-related materials and activities by exploiting the ubiquity and convenience of mobile devices. For you and your students, mobile photography presents new opportunities for community connections. The two-part session will include a photography lesson, photo assignment, and photo shoot on campus and Main Street.  You’ll work with your own mobile device to post-process images, tag and catalog, and post online. The event is intended for iPhone, iPad, Android, and Windows Phone owners.

June 1: Get prepared
In this hands-on session, Debbie Jeffers will provide an overview and instruction on the apps required for tomorrow’s photo shoot and photo-processing activity. You’ll activate the photo sharing sites for this event and share screen names to being following fellow participants.

Debbie Jeffers    
Web Communication Consultant II, IT Academic Technology Services

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