Towards a Structural Load Testing Tool

Author : Yang, Cheer-Sun; Pollock, Lori L.
Booktitle : Proceedings of the 1996 ACM SIGSOFT international symposium on Software testing and analysis
Date : Jan 1996
Publisher : ACM Press
Pages : 201-208
Document Type : In Conference Proceedings

Abstract :

Load sensitive faults cause a program to fail when it is executed under a heavy load or over a long period of time, but may have no detrimental effect under small loads or short executions. In addition to testing the functionality of these programs, testing how well they perform under stress is very important. Current approaches to stress, or load, testing treat the system as a black box, generating test data based on parameters specified by the tester within an operational profile. In this paper, we advocate a structural approach to load testing. There exist many structural testing methods; however, their main goal is generating test data for executing all statements, branches, definition-use pairs, or paths of a program at least once, without consideration for executing any particular path extensively. Our initial work has focused on the identification of potentially load sensitive modules based on a static analysis of the module’s code, and then limiting the stress testing to the regions of the modules that could be the potential causes of the load sensitivity. This analysis will be incorporated into a testing tool for structural load testing which takes a program as input, and automatically determines whether that program needs to be load tested, and if so, automatically generates test data for structural load testing of the program.

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