Just Breathe

Use this page as a resource for calming, breathing, and meditation exercises.

There are videos that guide you through different exercises below.

Enjoy. Relax. Breathe.

Mindful Breathing Exercises

Breathing Colors:

Choose two different colors, one to breathe in and one to breathe out. Picture a color for the in-breath and one for the out-breath. Choose the colors you want, for the reasons you want. Close your eyes and pair each color with its breath.

Deep Breathing:

Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. To increase focus and quiet the mind, you can use a mantra such as “in” for when you breathe in and “out” for when you breathe out.

Belly Breathing:

Lie down on your back on the floor or in bed, or sit upright in a chair. Place a hand on your belly, and as you breathe in watch how your belly expands. Breathing in this way promotes deep breathing, which helps to get oxygen into your system. More oxygen helps us relax our bodies and think more clearly.

Measuring Your Breath by Your Footsteps: 

Walk slowly along a sidewalk, or on a path, in a hallway. Breathe normally. Determine the length of your breath, the exhalation and the inhalation, by the number of your footsteps. Continue for a few minutes. Begin to lengthen your exhalation by one step. Do not force a longer exhalation. Let it be natural. Watch your inhalation carefully to see whether there is a desire to lengthen it.

Mindful Breathing & Meditation Exercises

30 Seconds “Do Nothing”


2-Minute Breathing Bubble Exercise


1-Minute Box Breathing

Start by breathing in for four seconds. Hold your breath for four seconds, then breathe out for another four seconds. Repeat.


3-Minute Deep Breathing



10-Minute Reconnect with Wise Mind Exercise


3-Minute Calming Imagery Exercise


10-Minute Mindful DBT Meditation


5-Minute Loving Kindness Meditation


10-Minute Daily Calm Meditation


10-Minute Self-Soothing Meditation


10-Minute Letting Go Meditation


10-Minute Sleep Meditation


10-Minute Morning Meditation